

08.09.2022 |
ASSOCIATION Por­trait The VAP asso­cia­ti­on has been pro­mo­ting rail freight trans­port since 1912. With an acti­ve trans­port poli­cy, it works to opti­mi­se the poli­ti­cal and eco­no­mic frame­work con­di­ti­ons, the rail­way infra­struc­tu­re and the...
Swiss Wagonload Transport Interest Group – for a start

Swiss Wagonload Transport Interest Group – for a start

In 2018, the VAP, tog­e­ther with SBB Cargo and the Asso­cia­ti­on of Public Trans­port (VöV/UTP), foun­ded the Swiss Wagon­load Trans­port Inte­rest Group – IG WLV Schweiz for short. This blog post kicks off a series of posts that pro­vi­de ans­wers to such and...

Digitization in rail freight transport

29.05.2023 |
Digi­tiza­ti­on in rail freight transport TOGETHER WE ARE STARTING THE NEW ERA IN RAIL FREIGHT TRANSPORT: IT WILL BE DIGITISED AND AUTOMATED THROUGHOUT EUROPE. Basic infor­ma­ti­on In our pre­sen­ta­ti­on, we have pre­sen­ted the initi­al situa­ti­on, the chal­lenges...
IG WLV: Set goals, develop measures

IG WLV: Set goals, develop measures

On 9 June 2021, the annu­al can­to­nal con­fe­rence of the Wagon­load Trans­port Inte­rest Group (IG WLV) took place – unfort­u­na­te­ly again as a video con­fe­rence. In addi­ti­on to the foun­ding part­ners of IG WLV (VAP, Asso­cia­ti­on of Public Trans­port...


20.09.2022 |
EVENTS You can find the indus­try events recom­men­ded by the VAP throug­hout Euro­pe here. Gene­ral Assem­bly VAP The last GA was held on Tues­day, 27 August 2024 in Bern. We wel­co­med Fede­ral Coun­cil­lor Dr Albert Rösti. Fur­ther information. 2022 was...
TR Trans Rail AG – a multimodal success story

TR Trans Rail AG – a multimodal success story

We at the VAP are committed to competitive rail freight transport. In the meantime, several private RUs and VAP members operate important transports. We are happy to introduce them and their core competences. Let’s start with TR Trans Rail AG. Between...
Federal Council puts together package of measures to strengthen modal shift

Federal Council puts together package of measures to strengthen modal shift

With the ope­ning of the Ceneri Base Tun­nel in Decem­ber 2020, ano­ther piece of the puz­zle for an effi­ci­ent north-south con­nec­tion through Switz­er­land will be com­ple­ted. Howe­ver, the expan­si­on of the inter­na­tio­nal freight cor­ri­dor is delay­ed by at...
Gotthard Base Tunnel (#9): Avoid shifting traffic back to the road

Gotthard Base Tunnel (#9): Avoid shifting traffic back to the road

The freight train derailm­ent on 10 August 2023 cau­sed serious dama­ge to the Gott­hard Base Tun­nel. SBB the­r­e­fo­re intends to mas­si­ve­ly redu­ce the capa­ci­ty of sus­tainable rail freight trans­port in favour of lei­su­re traf­fic at weekends with the...