Joy at SBB, concern at SBB Cargo

Joy at SBB, concern at SBB Cargo

SBB is in excel­lent finan­cial health. This was com­mu­ni­ca­ted on 11 March 2024 with the 2023 annu­al accounts. Only sub­si­dia­ry SBB Cargo is still con­side­red a pro­blem child and is to recei­ve finan­cial sup­port. We at the VAP think so: This must not be...
Digital rolling stock inspections: Win-win for everyone involved

Digital rolling stock inspections: Win-win for everyone involved

The fixed train con­trol sys­tems for goods trains and their rol­ling stock are con­stant­ly being refi­ned. The digi­tal con­trol sys­tem Way­si­de Intel­li­gence (WIN) not only increa­ses safe­ty in rail freight trans­port, but also helps wagon kee­pers to plan...