On 9 June 2021, the annu­al can­to­nal con­fe­rence of the Wagon­load Trans­port Inte­rest Group (IG WLV) took place – unfort­u­na­te­ly again as a video con­fe­rence. In addi­ti­on to the foun­ding part­ners of IG WLV (VAP, Asso­cia­ti­on of Public Trans­port (VöV/UTP), SBB Cargo), a large num­ber of repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from indi­vi­du­al can­tons took part.

To start with, VöV and SBB Cargo pre­sen­ted the cur­rent situa­ti­on – espe­ci­al­ly in the con­text of the Covid 19 cri­sis – and poin­ted out the chal­lenges ahead. The VAP then pre­sen­ted the three main objec­ti­ves on behalf of IG WLV, from which three clus­ters of action can be deri­ved. IG WLV is curr­ent­ly working inten­si­ve­ly on the con­cre­ti­sa­ti­on and con­cre­te imple­men­ta­ti­on of these goals.

Technology/Automation cluster

IG WLV is pushing for the rapid intro­duc­tion of nati­on­wi­de and non-dis­cri­mi­na­to­ry auto­ma­ti­on and digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on in Switz­er­land. This is done in close coor­di­na­ti­on and coope­ra­ti­on with Euro­pe. It advo­ca­tes the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the moti­on Ditt­li 20.3221 vis-à-vis the indus­try, poli­tics and admi­nis­tra­ti­on (cf. blog post «Pro­gress for auto­ma­ti­on in rail freight trans­port»).

Production/efficiency cluster

The IG WLV defi­nes key per­for­mance indi­ca­tors and draws up a con­cept that depicts esti­ma­tes of demand flows in wagon­load traf­fic for the coming years. It is also con­side­ring how addi­tio­nal volu­mes could be gene­ra­ted that com­bi­ne plan­ning secu­ri­ty, dyna­mism and cooperation.

Policy cluster

IG WLV is working on a con­cept for CO2 reduc­tion (see blog­post «Moti­on CO2-free rail freight»). It will repre­sent this con­cept vis-à-vis the fede­ral govern­ment, indus­try play­ers and can­tons and pro­mo­te its implementation.

Findings from 2020

After defi­ning the tar­get areas, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts reflec­ted on the fin­dings from last year’s can­to­nal con­fe­rence. Atten­ti­on was given to the fol­lo­wing focal points:

  • Data: Various chal­lenges to obtain the right data – quan­ti­ta­ti­ve and qua­li­ta­ti­ve – for future con­cepts and planning.
  • Loca­ti­ons and legal bases: Tasks and obli­ga­ti­ons of the Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on, can­tons and muni­ci­pa­li­ties and opti­mal use of exis­ting and future logi­stics areas.
  • Free loa­ding: Con­side­ra­ti­on of all free loa­ding in an over­all con­cept that includes the respec­ti­ve finan­cing needs and tools.
  • Expan­si­on steps/STEP: Brin­ging tog­e­ther the con­cerns of all actors from poli­tics and busi­ness, cross-can­to­nal coor­di­na­ti­on and use of the same basic tools.
Best Practice

In an inte­res­t­ing con­tri­bu­ti­on, the can­tons of Vaud and Zurich pre­sen­ted their chal­lenges and approa­ches to solu­ti­ons for opti­mi­sing and impro­ving logi­stics oppor­tu­ni­ties. These could be used as best prac­ti­ces or inte­res­t­ing start­ing points in the future.

Further round table discussions

All the infor­ma­ti­on and impul­ses were dis­cus­sed in grea­ter depth at two round tables with the fol­lo­wing focal points:

  • Round table 1: Solu­ti­on approa­ches to the chal­lenges of the fin­dings from 2020
  • Round table 2: Best prac­ti­ce of the can­tons of Zurich and Vaud; pos­si­ble blue­print for fur­ther steps towards opti­mi­sed, inte­gra­ted freight trans­port logistics

Details on the con­cre­te results of the panel dis­cus­sions and on pos­si­ble mea­su­res can be found in the next blog post.

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