SBB should take responsibility instead of 3 billion financial package

SBB should take responsibility instead of 3 billion financial package

In our blog post «No sta­bi­li­sa­ti­on of the SBB despi­te CHF 3 bil­li­on in addi­tio­nal fede­ral fun­ding», we expres­sed our posi­ti­on on Moti­on 22.3008. In this post, we sum­ma­ri­se the voice of the indus­try and inte­rest repre­sen­ta­ti­ves in respon­se to...
No stabilisation of SBB despite CHF 3 billion in additional federal funding

No stabilisation of SBB despite CHF 3 billion in additional federal funding

With moti­on 22.3008, Par­lia­ment wants to amend the Fede­ral Act on Swiss Fede­ral Rail­ways (SBBG) and grant SBB finan­cial aid of CHF 1.2 bil­li­on to com­pen­sa­te for pan­de­mic-rela­ted reve­nue short­falls in long-distance trans­port and to reli­e­ve the...
Ensure Switzerland-EU interoperability

Ensure Switzerland-EU interoperability

On 24 June 2022, the Joint Com­mit­tee on Land Trans­port ack­now­led­ged the importance of har­mo­nis­ed rules for Switz­er­land-EU land trans­port. We think: More is nee­ded for sus­tainable inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty. What is nee­ded now is a coor­di­na­ted trans­port...
Modal shift: In transit on the right track

Modal shift: In transit on the right track

The Fede­ral Council’s “Modal shift report July 2019 – June 2021” pres­ents the deve­lo­p­ment of tran­sal­pi­ne freight traf­fic and envi­ron­men­tal pol­lu­ti­on on the tran­sal­pi­ne tran­sit axes. It then exami­nes the sta­tus of imple­men­ta­ti­on of the modal...
Transport sectoral plan: programme with limited perspective

Transport sectoral plan: programme with limited perspective

The back­ground in advance Various fac­tors have an impact on the Sec­to­ral Plan for Transport/Programme sec­tion and thus on the future of rail freight trans­port (cf. Figu­re 1). The Swiss Spa­ti­al Deve­lo­p­ment Per­spec­ti­ve, the Trans­port Per­spec­ti­ves and...