In our blog post «No sta­bi­li­sa­ti­on of the SBB despi­te CHF 3 bil­li­on in addi­tio­nal fede­ral fun­ding», we expres­sed our posi­ti­on on Moti­on 22.3008. In this post, we sum­ma­ri­se the voice of the indus­try and inte­rest repre­sen­ta­ti­ves in respon­se to the Fede­ral Council’s pro­po­sals in the report of 16 Decem­ber 2022. The busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty rejects the finan­cial injec­tion of 3 bil­li­on Swiss francs to the SBB and ins­tead calls for cor­po­ra­te responsibility.

This is what it’s all about:
  • SBB con­fron­ted with poor results in long-distance traf­fic due to pandemic
  • Eco­no­my rejects finan­cial injec­tion of 3 bil­li­on Swiss francs and calls for entre­pre­neu­ri­al solution
  • A clear “no” to the mis­ap­pro­pria­ti­on of the HVF
  • Chan­ge of sys­tem for loans welcomed
  • Mar­ket libe­ra­li­sa­ti­on in long-distance trans­port divi­des the economy

Moti­on 22.3008 «Sup­port for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of SBB invest­ments and a long-term visi­on in Covid-19 times» demands that the Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on take over SBB’s defi­ci­ts in long-distance trans­port. In its report of 16 Decem­ber 2022, the Fede­ral Coun­cil sets out its pro­po­sals for finan­cing SBB. It pro­po­ses a one-off capi­tal grant of an esti­ma­ted 1.25 bil­li­on Swiss francs and wants to redu­ce the track access char­ges for long-distance traf­fic with a fur­ther 1.7 bil­li­on Swiss francs. This sub­s­idy is to be secu­red finan­ci­al­ly by cre­diting the full pro­ceeds of the per­for­mance-rela­ted heavy goods vehic­le char­ge LSVA (fede­ral share) to the rail infra­struc­tu­re fund. The aim of the mea­su­res is to com­pen­sa­te for SBB’s los­ses in long-distance traf­fic from 2020 to 2022 and to com­ply with the upper limit of its net debt.

No to the financial injection, yes to the waiver of vault loans

The busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty – repre­sen­ted by Eco­no­mie­su­is­se, SGV, CFS, Astag and VAP – and the pro-busi­ness par­ties FDP and SVP reject both the pro­po­sed cash injec­tion and the mis­ap­pro­pria­ti­on of the HVF for the bene­fit of long-distance trans­port by a clear majority.

They are equal­ly united in wel­co­ming the sys­tem chan­ge in the gran­ting of loans and call for the aban­don­ment of vault loans. A majo­ri­ty sees the capi­tal mar­ket as the solu­ti­on for finan­cing in the com­mer­cial sec­tor. A mino­ri­ty can also ima­gi­ne cer­tain fede­ral loans from par­lia­ment for this pur­po­se. Over­all, trans­pa­ren­cy in the com­mer­cial and sub­si­di­sed sec­tors should be increased.

Entrepreneurial responsibility demanded

Ins­tead of the Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on assum­ing SBB’s los­ses as a result of the Covid 19 cri­sis at the taxpayer’s expen­se, the state rail­way should bear entre­pre­neu­ri­al respon­si­bi­li­ty. To this end, it has various mar­ket-based mea­su­res at its dis­po­sal to bring ope­ra­ting costs and invest­ments in line with sup­p­ly and pri­ces. Rea­li­stic examp­les are cost savings, price increa­ses or the sale of real estate not requi­red for operations.

Designing a train-path pricing system that is fair to the polluter.

SVP, Eco­no­mie­su­is­se, SGV, CFS and VAP reject a reduc­tion of the train path price for long-distance traf­fic. The FDP and Astag can ima­gi­ne a shared solu­ti­on bet­ween the fede­ral govern­ment and the SBB. The Swiss train-path pri­cing sys­tem is not desi­gned in a way that is fair to the pol­lu­ter; freight trans­port is bur­den­ed too hea­vi­ly. The stake­hol­ders agree that the HVF should not be misu­s­ed to solve this pro­blem. Ins­tead, the Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on should con­ti­nue to use the fede­ral share of the HVF to steer and incre­asing­ly for the decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on of road, rail and shipping.

Disagreement on market opening

The freight trans­port-rela­ted asso­cia­ti­ons Astag, CFS and VAP are cal­ling for a migra­ti­on stra­tegy to open up the mar­ket in long-distance trans­port in line with the Euro­pean Union (EU). Here, the other busi­ness repre­sen­ta­ti­ves and par­ties close to the eco­no­my show a grea­ter wil­ling­ness for real­po­li­tik demands. Whe­ther this Swiss real­po­li­tik can be main­tai­ned for long on the Euro­pean stage remains to be seen.

Positions in wording

You can find our com­ple­te hea­ring respon­se of 7 March 2023 as a down­load on our website:

You can down­load fur­ther con­sul­ta­ti­on respon­ses here:


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