
Gotthard Base Tunnel (#3): Current liability provisions are sufficient

Gotthard Base Tunnel (#3): Current liability provisions are sufficient

The freight train acci­dent in the Gott­hard Base Tun­nel has brought up lia­bi­li­ty ques­ti­ons that were alre­a­dy on the agen­da of the Fede­ral Coun­cil. In its ses­si­on on 21 June 2023, the Fede­ral Coun­cil issued a report on pos­si­ble actions to inten­si­fy...
Data ecosystems: Industry round table with Federal Councillor Rösti

Data ecosystems: Industry round table with Federal Councillor Rösti

On 24 June 2024, Fede­ral Coun­cil­lor Albert Rösti brought tog­e­ther repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from the public sec­tor and the logi­stics indus­try at a round table to dis­cuss the importance of a natio­nal data infra­struc­tu­re for the exch­an­ge of infor­ma­ti­on. We...
Investing in the future with the DAC

Investing in the future with the DAC

The digital automatic coupler (DAC) is much more than what its name suggests. It is the basis for the complete digitalisation and automation of rail freight transport in Switzerland – and thus a far-sighted investment in the future.  Rail freight 4.0  We at VAP are...
Transport policy decisions of the summer session 2023

Transport policy decisions of the summer session 2023

In the sum­mer ses­si­on from 30 May to 16 June 2023, various sec­tor-rele­vant busi­ness was dis­cus­sed. The results are lar­ge­ly in line with our expec­ta­ti­ons. Howe­ver, we reg­ret the missed oppor­tu­ni­ty to link the pro­po­sal for the agglo­me­ra­ti­on...
Transport policy decisions of the summer session 2023

Notable facts from the autumn session 2021

Dis­patch 20.081 on the Fede­ral Law on the Under­ground Trans­por­ta­ti­on of Goods With the adop­ti­on of the fede­ral bill, the legal basis for the Cargo Sous Ter­rain (CST) logi­stics pro­ject has been crea­ted. A final dif­fe­rence over expro­pria­ti­on must...
Freight Transport Forum: the industry stands together for progress in rail freight transport

Freight Transport Forum: the industry stands together for progress in rail freight transport

On 3 May 2022, the popular Freight Transport Forum finally took place again after three years. The most important players and representatives from the shipping industry from all over Europe met to refresh their expertise and exchange ideas with colleagues across...
Now or never: groundbreaking debate on Swiss rail freight transport

Now or never: groundbreaking debate on Swiss rail freight transport

In the spring, the Coun­cil of Sta­tes’ Com­mit­tee for Trans­port and Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons (KVF‑S) took up the total revi­si­on of the Goods Trans­port Act (GüTG) and trig­ge­red ground-brea­king dis­cus­sions on Swiss dome­stic goods trans­port in Par­lia­ment....
Bilaterals III: Switzerland must be involved in the future of rail freight transport

Bilaterals III: Switzerland must be involved in the future of rail freight transport

The Fede­ral Coun­cil has given the go-ahead for the Bila­te­ral Agree­ments III­wi­th the defi­ni­ti­ve nego­tia­ting man­da­te. Nego­tia­ti­ons on the so-cal­led Bila­te­rals III began on 18 March 2024. We at the VAP sup­port the efforts of the man­da­te in the area...
Ensure Switzerland-EU interoperability

Ensure Switzerland-EU interoperability

On 24 June 2022, the Joint Com­mit­tee on Land Trans­port ack­now­led­ged the importance of har­mo­nis­ed rules for Switz­er­land-EU land trans­port. We think: More is nee­ded for sus­tainable inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty. What is nee­ded now is a coor­di­na­ted trans­port...