In the can­ton of Zurich, clean excava­ted mate­ri­al from excava­ti­on pits with a volu­me of more than 25,000 cubic met­res must be trans­por­ted away by rail by the buil­der-owner from 1 July 2021, other­wi­se a repla­ce­ment fee is owed. The com­pa­nies HASTAG (Zürich) AG, Schnei­der Umwelt­ser­vice AG and Eber­hard Bau AG have mer­ged to form the newly foun­ded com­pa­ny Ter­ra­Rail Modal­split AG as of 8 March 2022 to offer this service.

This is what it’s all about:

  • Can­ton of Zurich: ordi­nan­ce on the trans­port of excava­ted mate­ri­al and aggre­ga­tes by rail (BTV).
  • Ter­ra­Rail: Pro­vi­der for trans­port of excava­ted mate­ri­al and aggre­ga­tes by rail.
  • In the inte­rests of fair com­pe­ti­ti­on: invi­ta­ti­on to ten­der for RUs

Ter­ra­Rail Modal­split AG offers the trans­port of excava­ted mate­ri­al and aggre­ga­tes by rail at four loca­ti­ons. In doing so, they make use of their many years of expe­ri­ence and the ideal loca­ti­ons with rail con­nec­tions of the three com­pa­nies. Trac­tion bet­ween the sites and the unloa­ding point(s) is curr­ent­ly pro­vi­ded by SBB Cargo.

The excava­ted mate­ri­als are trans­por­ted by rail from the agglo­me­ra­ti­on area and depo­si­ted or recy­cled in a land­fill. Ide­al­ly, raw mate­ri­al such as gra­vel is trans­por­ted again direct­ly. The offer also includes the deve­lo­p­ment of a trans­port con­cept, which must be sub­mit­ted with the buil­ding application.

Ter­ra­Rail is curr­ent­ly using SBB Cargo for the trans­port by rail. Howe­ver, other RUs were also con­side­red. Ter­ra­Rail Modal­split AG acts inde­pendent­ly of the pro­vi­ders in the mar­ket and obta­ins seve­ral offers during the bid­ding and pro­duc­tion plan­ning pro­cess. The most sui­ta­ble offer is con­firm­ed. The­r­e­fo­re, chan­ging con­stel­la­ti­ons are to be expec­ted in this area.

It is expec­ted that there will be com­pe­ting offers, as TerraRail’s offers are pla­ced under com­pe­ti­ti­ve con­di­ti­ons. In fact, seve­ral awards have alre­a­dy been made to other sup­pli­ers in the mar­ket. This indi­ca­tes the exis­tence of competition.

Rail trans­port is attrac­ti­ve when the rail infra­struc­tu­re leads direct­ly from the place of loa­ding to the place of unloa­ding and over lon­ger distances. Howe­ver, this is rare­ly the case in the modal split area. As a rule, an addi­tio­nal rel­oa­ding pro­cess is requi­red, which increa­ses the effort and requi­res loa­ding places. For this reason, from TerraRail’s point of view, legal requi­re­ments make sense in order to increase the modal split share of rail trans­port and to reli­e­ve the roads. At the same time, Ter­ra­Rail is working to con­ti­nuous­ly impro­ve the com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness of this trans­port chain.

The VAP appro­ves of the bund­ling of the com­pe­tence of pri­va­te-sec­tor com­pa­nies and the orga­ni­sa­ti­on of a trans­port chain based on the strengths of all part­ners. The three ship­pers, in their role as spe­cia­lists in ear­thworks and mining and ope­ra­tors of sui­ta­ble tran­ship­ment plat­forms in their sidings and now as rail for­war­ders, are shif­ting trans­ports to the rail­ways and reli­e­ving the bur­den on the roads. Com­pe­ti­ti­on and the pur­su­it of real com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness com­pared to pure road trans­port are view­ed posi­tively. It is desi­ra­ble that ship­pers have a choice and that sup­p­ly secu­ri­ty is increased by the exis­tence of seve­ral rail providers.

The solu­ti­on found in the can­ton of Zurich with the repla­ce­ment levy on buil­ders is a com­pul­so­ry mea­su­re desi­gned in a mar­ket eco­no­my, where the reve­nue flows into the gene­ral state bud­get and is not ear­mark­ed for a spe­ci­fic pur­po­se. We would wel­co­me a tar­ge­ted reim­bur­se­ment to the mar­ket play­ers, for exam­p­le in the form of finan­cial sup­port from the can­ton for the con­s­truc­tion of tran­ship­ment plat­forms or the deve­lo­p­ment of new mul­ti­mo­dal logi­stics solutions.

For other pro­ducts, a com­pa­ra­ble model is much more dif­fi­cult to imple­ment, as the neces­sa­ry tran­ship­ment plat­forms are lack­ing. Here, can­to­nal trans­port and spa­ti­al plan­ning is cal­led upon to ensu­re that loca­ti­ons are well con­nec­ted by road and rail.

In order to pro­mo­te fur­ther posi­ti­ve relo­ca­ti­ons, the VAP also assu­mes an advi­so­ry role for the can­tons. In doing so, the can­tons bene­fit from the association’s exten­si­ve exper­ti­se, many years of expe­ri­ence and far-rea­ching net­work, which is firm­ly ancho­red in the trans­port industry.

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