
«An excellent neutral negotiation partner»

«An excellent neutral negotiation partner»

The Vetro­pack Group is a lis­ted and fami­ly-run glass pack­a­ging manu­fac­tu­rer in Switz­er­land. We at the VAP accom­pa­nied Vetro­pack during the nego­tia­ti­ons on the new siding con­tract and the rene­wal of the sidings. We talk about this coope­ra­ti­on and the future of rail freight trans­port with Phil­ip­pe Clerc, Head of the Vetro­pack site in St-Prex.

The Vetro­pack Group is a lis­ted and fami­ly-run glass pack­a­ging manu­fac­tu­rer in Switz­er­land. We at the VAP accom­pa­nied Vetro­pack during the nego­tia­ti­ons on the new siding con­tract and the rene­wal of the sidings. We talk about this coope­ra­ti­on and the future of rail freight trans­port with Phil­ip­pe Clerc, Head of the Vetro­pack site in St-Prex.

Total revision of the GüTG: The mood in the industry threatens to tip over

Total revision of the GüTG: The mood in the industry threatens to tip over

The Com­mit­tee for Trans­port and Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons of the Coun­cil of Sta­tes (KVF‑S) has con­cluded its deli­be­ra­ti­ons on the total revi­si­on of the Goods Trans­port Act (GüTG). Like the Fede­ral Coun­cil, it wants to impro­ve the frame­work...
Modal shift: In transit on the right track

Modal shift: In transit on the right track

The Fede­ral Council’s “Modal shift report July 2019 – June 2021” pres­ents the deve­lo­p­ment of tran­sal­pi­ne freight traf­fic and envi­ron­men­tal pol­lu­ti­on on the tran­sal­pi­ne tran­sit axes. It then exami­nes the sta­tus of imple­men­ta­ti­on of the modal...
Consultation on surface rail freight transport: two variants, many question marks

Consultation on surface rail freight transport: two variants, many question marks

The Fede­ral Council’s report on the «Future ori­en­ta­ti­on of rail freight trans­port in the area» was sent out for con­sul­ta­ti­on. In it, the eco­no­mic via­bi­li­ty of sin­gle wagon­load trans­port is pre­sen­ted as impos­si­ble wit­hout any evi­dence. As...
Power shortage (part 2): Prepare now for later

Power shortage (part 2): Prepare now for later

Should an electricity shortage actually occur in Switzerland due to the geopolitical crisis and supply bottlenecks, it is essential that freight transport customers can continue to be served. This means that the transport companies must clarify their energy needs in...
Economic advantages of a competitive freight railway

Economic advantages of a competitive freight railway

Freight trans­port plays a cru­cial role for the natio­nal eco­no­my as it enables the exch­an­ge of goods and ser­vices. In view of the chal­lenges such as limi­t­ed road capa­ci­ty and cli­ma­te chan­ge, the shift of freight trans­port to rail is beco­ming...


13.09.2022 |
Mem­ber­ship Since 1912 we’ve devo­ted our­sel­ves to the rail freight system. We know what we’re tal­king about – and we know what we’re doing. A lot has chan­ged since our foun­da­ti­on. But our goals have remain­ed the same: we’re still com­mit­ted to free-mar­ket...
25 years of the «Contract of Lugano» – a look into the future

25 years of the «Contract of Lugano» – a look into the future

Exact­ly 25 years after the sig­ning of the “Trea­ty of Luga­no”, the Ger­man rail­way sta­ti­on in the Swiss bor­der metro­po­lis of Basel took stock. For the VAP, in addi­ti­on to the expan­si­on of the line on the right bank of the Rhine, that of the line on the...