Motion CO2-free rail freight transport

Motion CO2-free rail freight transport

The moti­on 20.3222 «Rail freight trans­port and con­tri­bu­ti­on to redu­cing CO2 emis­si­ons» sub­mit­ted by VAP Pre­si­dent and Coun­cil­lor of Sta­tes Josef Ditt­li was adopted by both Coun­cils. The aim is to draw up a plan of mea­su­res that out­lines how rail...
Progress for automation in rail freight transport

Progress for automation in rail freight transport

The Coun­cils adopted the moti­on «Trans­port­ing more effi­ci­ent­ly by rail through auto­ma­ti­on» by VAP Pre­si­dent and Coun­cil­lor of Sta­tes Josef Ditt­li in the autumn or win­ter ses­si­on 2020. The Euro­pe-wide intro­duc­tion of digi­tal auto­ma­tic...
Federal Council puts together package of measures to strengthen modal shift

Federal Council puts together package of measures to strengthen modal shift

With the ope­ning of the Ceneri Base Tun­nel in Decem­ber 2020, ano­ther piece of the puz­zle for an effi­ci­ent north-south con­nec­tion through Switz­er­land will be com­ple­ted. Howe­ver, the expan­si­on of the inter­na­tio­nal freight cor­ri­dor is delay­ed by at...
Draft Federal Law on the Underground Transport of Goods

Draft Federal Law on the Underground Transport of Goods

The VAP wel­co­mes the frame­work law on under­ground freight trans­port pre­sen­ted by the Fede­ral Coun­cil. We see an under­ground trans­port sys­tem as a posi­ti­ve addi­ti­on to the exis­ting pos­si­bi­li­ties on water, road and rail. The bill offers a libe­ral,...