Freight trans­port plays a cru­cial role for the natio­nal eco­no­my as it enables the exch­an­ge of goods and ser­vices. In view of the chal­lenges such as limi­t­ed road capa­ci­ty and cli­ma­te chan­ge, the shift of freight trans­port to rail is beco­ming incre­asing­ly important. Here we explain the eco­no­mic bene­fits of a modal shift.

Limited road capacity:

The road infra­struc­tu­re is limi­t­ed and is alre­a­dy rea­ching its limits in many regi­ons. Due to the increased use of HGVs in freight trans­port, traf­fic on the roads con­ti­nues to rise, lea­ding to con­ges­ti­on, delays and increased trans­port costs. Shif­ting freight traf­fic to the rail­ways reli­e­ves the roads. This enables more effi­ci­ent use of exis­ting infra­struc­tu­re and redu­ces the need for expen­si­ve road extensions.

Climate change and environmental pollution:

The trans­port sec­tor con­tri­bu­tes signi­fi­cant­ly to CO2 emis­si­ons and other harmful envi­ron­men­tal impacts. Com­pared to road trans­port, rail trans­port is more envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly, as trains pro­du­ce on avera­ge fewer emis­si­ons per tonne-kilo­met­re. In addi­ti­on, rail trans­port redu­ces noise levels and mini­mi­ses air pol­lu­ti­on in urban areas, resul­ting in an impro­ved qua­li­ty of life for the population.

Efficiency and economy:

Rail offers high effi­ci­en­cy in freight trans­port as trains can carry lar­ger loads than trucks. By using goods trains, large quan­ti­ties of goods can be trans­por­ted in one go, which leads to an opti­mi­sa­ti­on of trans­port costs. This allows com­pa­nies to impro­ve their logi­stics pro­ces­ses and increase the effi­ci­en­cy of their sup­p­ly chains. A more effi­ci­ent freight trans­port con­nec­tion leads to lower trans­port costs, which in turn increa­ses the com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness of com­pa­nies and has a posi­ti­ve impact on the natio­nal eco­no­my. Through digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on, the neces­sa­ry freight wagons can be effi­ci­ent­ly net­work­ed, thus avo­i­ding fixed costs.

Safety and accident prevention:

Shif­ting freight trans­port to rail con­tri­bu­tes to incre­asing road safe­ty. Com­pared to road trans­port, acci­dents in rail trans­port are less fre­quent and gene­ral­ly have a lower impact on life, health and the envi­ron­ment. Redu­cing HGV traf­fic on the roads mini­mi­ses poten­ti­al sources of dan­ger and increa­ses safe­ty for other road users.

Experienced logistics experts needed

Inde­pen­dent and sec­tor-spe­ci­fic logi­stics experts are nee­ded who spe­cia­li­se in spe­ci­fic pro­ducts. The rail­ways should con­cen­tra­te on ope­ra­ting the trains, while the over­all logi­stics are in the spe­cia­li­sed hands of the logi­stics experts.

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