
Titus Büter from Swiss Post wants fast and punctual freight trains

Titus Büter from Swiss Post wants fast and punctual freight trains

Titus Büt­ler is Head of Trans­port at Post CH AG and has been respon­si­ble for all let­ter, par­cel and news­pa­per trans­port by rail and road in Switz­er­land since the begin­ning of 2022. Pre­vious­ly, he mana­ged the Frau­en­feld par­cel cen­ter for over 20...
Combined transport and multimodality (Part 1)

Combined transport and multimodality (Part 1)

The trans­port com­pa­nies on road and rail as well as the ship­ping indus­try take their eco­no­mic, eco­lo­gi­cal and social respon­si­bi­li­ty serious­ly and rely on cross-modal solu­ti­ons. They com­bi­ne the Rhine, road, rail, inland water­ways, pipe­lines and...
Partial revision of SBBG: responsibility and market liberalisation further delayed

Partial revision of SBBG: responsibility and market liberalisation further delayed

The Com­mit­tee for Trans­port and Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons of the Natio­nal Coun­cil (KVF‑N) unani­mously sup­ports the pro­po­sal for the finan­cial sta­bi­li­sa­ti­on of the Swiss Fede­ral Rail­ways (SBBG). In con­trast to the Fede­ral Coun­cil, it is of the...

Legal disclaimer

16.09.2020 |
IN SAFE HANDS Data pro­tec­tion We at the VAP make every effort to pro­tect the per­so­nal data of our mem­bers and part­ners. For this reason we under­ta­ke to com­ply with both the Swiss Fede­ral Act on Data Pro­tec­tion (FADP/DSG) and the Euro­pean Union’s new...
Gotthard Base Tunnel (#10): Europe presents the final report

Gotthard Base Tunnel (#10): Europe presents the final report

In mid-July 2024, the Joint Net­work Secre­ta­ri­at (JNS) of the Euro­pean Union Agen­cy for Rail­ways (ERA) published its final report on the acci­dent in the Gott­hard Base Tun­nel on 10 August 2023. This con­ta­ins an exten­ded scope of appli­ca­ti­on, an increased...


20.09.2022 |
FINANCING Finan­cing is a topic where it is worth taking a clo­ser look.   Hearing VAP hea­ring respon­se Amend­ment of the Fede­ral Act on Swiss Fede­ral Rail­ways (SBBG) – Sus­tainable finan­cing of SBB (n german)   Taxes, levies 31.08.2022: Fede­ral...


13.09.2022 |
Mem­ber­ship Since 1912 we’ve devo­ted our­sel­ves to the rail freight system. We know what we’re tal­king about – and we know what we’re doing. A lot has chan­ged since our foun­da­ti­on. But our goals have remain­ed the same: we’re still com­mit­ted to free-mar­ket...
Dr Peter Füglistaler: “In principle, I welcome new market participants seizing their opportunity.”

Dr Peter Füglistaler: “In principle, I welcome new market participants seizing their opportunity.”

The Fede­ral Office of Trans­port (FOT) pro­mo­tes the sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment of freight trans­port and the effi­ci­ent inter­ac­tion of all modes of trans­port within the frame­work of Swiss poli­cy. It is respon­si­ble for licen­sing, finan­cing and safe­ty...
Data ecosystems: Sharing data to double its added value

Data ecosystems: Sharing data to double its added value

We at the VAP have been working more inten­si­ve­ly on the topic of data eco­sys­tems for some time. In 2022, we initia­ted the deve­lo­p­ment of a data plat­form at the Coor­di­na­ti­on Unit for Sus­tainable Mobi­li­ty (KOMO) and are pushing ahead with the fur­ther...