Dispatch 20.081 on the Federal Law on the Underground Transportation of Goods

With the adop­ti­on of the fede­ral bill, the legal basis for the Cargo Sous Ter­rain (CST) logi­stics pro­ject has been crea­ted. A final dif­fe­rence over expro­pria­ti­on must be sett­led in the coming win­ter ses­si­on. From 2031, the first CST goods are to be trans­por­ted through the under­ground tun­nel. Howe­ver, this will hard­ly reli­e­ve freight traf­fic above ground, as freight trans­port is con­ti­nuous­ly incre­asing. We the­r­e­fo­re con­ti­nue to adhe­re to our goals of making rail freight trans­port more effi­ci­ent for the future. Our com­mit­ment to the «auto­ma­ti­on of rail freight trans­port» is an important start­ing signal for this.

Postulate 21.3597 «The Future of Freight Transport»

By accep­ting the pos­tu­la­te, the Fede­ral Coun­cil under­ta­kes to sub­mit a report on the future direc­tion of rail freight trans­port poli­cy by the end of the first quar­ter of 2022. In doing so, it must exami­ne aspects of dome­stic and import/export traf­fic in depth and ans­wer these ques­ti­ons, among others:

  • How should the impact and achie­ve­ment of objec­ti­ves of a mar­ket-ori­en­ted and self-sup­port­ed offer by SBB Cargo AG be asses­sed with regard to orga­ni­sa­tio­nal struc­tu­re, modal shift effects, trans­port per­for­mance, infra­struc­tures, ser­vice points, needs of the loa­ding indus­try and staf­fing levels, cli­ma­te-fri­end­ly and resour­ce-saving ori­en­ta­ti­on of the sup­p­ly chains?
  • What are the effects and pro­s­pects of the stra­te­gic rea­lignment of SBB Cargo AG?
  • What are the poli­ti­cal sce­na­ri­os for the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of rail freight and, if appli­ca­ble, the need for legis­la­ti­ve action?
  • What frame­work con­di­ti­ons for the use of rail infra­struc­tu­re (track access char­ges) and the finan­cing of the neces­sa­ry invest­ments are neces­sa­ry so that the ser­vice can be ope­ra­ted in a way that covers the area and costs as far as possible?
  • What invest­ments in new rol­ling stock, auto­ma­ti­on and digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on are neces­sa­ry and how can these be financed?
Thinking in terms of opportunities

We at the VAP see a great need for action in the legal frame­work, the infra­struc­tu­re and the logi­stics plat­forms. The mar­ket should focus on eva­lua­ting oppor­tu­ni­ties and chan­ces. We focus on mul­ti­mo­dal trans­port con­cepts that make use of the strengths of the respec­ti­ve trans­port modes. Wagon­load trans­port is part of this mul­ti­mo­da­li­ty. As a clas­sic net­work trans­port, it requi­res new coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween all actors in order to increase effi­ci­en­cy and effec­ti­ve­ness. For this pur­po­se, we have foun­ded the IG Wagen­la­dungs­ver­kehr tog­e­ther with other stakeholders.

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