Swiss Wagonload Transport Interest Group – for a start

Swiss Wagonload Transport Interest Group – for a start

In 2018, the VAP, tog­e­ther with SBB Cargo and the Asso­cia­ti­on of Public Trans­port (VöV/UTP), foun­ded the Swiss Wagon­load Trans­port Inte­rest Group – IG WLV Schweiz for short. This blog post kicks off a series of posts that pro­vi­de ans­wers to such and...
Four private logistics service providers take a stake in SBB Cargo

Four private logistics service providers take a stake in SBB Cargo

The four fami­ly-owned com­pa­nies Gal­li­ker, Plan­zer, Bert­schi and Cami­on Trans­port are taking a 35% stake in SBB Cargo AG under the name «Swiss Combi AG». The com­pa­nies stand for cus­to­mer ori­en­ta­ti­on, inno­va­ti­on and mar­ket-ori­en­ted solutions. SBB...
Federal Council puts together package of measures to strengthen modal shift

Federal Council puts together package of measures to strengthen modal shift

With the ope­ning of the Ceneri Base Tun­nel in Decem­ber 2020, ano­ther piece of the puz­zle for an effi­ci­ent north-south con­nec­tion through Switz­er­land will be com­ple­ted. Howe­ver, the expan­si­on of the inter­na­tio­nal freight cor­ri­dor is delay­ed by at...