SBB should take responsibility instead of 3 billion financial package

SBB should take responsibility instead of 3 billion financial package

In our blog post «No sta­bi­li­sa­ti­on of the SBB despi­te CHF 3 bil­li­on in addi­tio­nal fede­ral fun­ding», we expres­sed our posi­ti­on on Moti­on 22.3008. In this post, we sum­ma­ri­se the voice of the indus­try and inte­rest repre­sen­ta­ti­ves in respon­se to...
Freight Transport Forum: Multimodality and the Future of (Rail) Logistics

Freight Transport Forum: Multimodality and the Future of (Rail) Logistics

The Freight Trans­port Forum, which took place on 20 April 2023, addres­sed the future of logi­stics, mul­ti­mo­da­li­ty and, in par­ti­cu­lar, the steps nee­ded to moder­ni­se Swiss freight trans­port in a digi­tal and dyna­mic world. Top-class spea­k­ers infor­med...
Improvement of freight transport: it is high time to do something

Improvement of freight transport: it is high time to do something

Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the indus­try and inte­rest groups had until 24 Febru­ary 2023 to com­ment on the con­sul­ta­ti­on draft entit­led «Impro­ving the frame­work con­di­ti­ons for freight trans­port in Switz­er­land». The LITRA, UTP, CI TCNA, ASTAG and VAP have...
Driving service regulations: Please simplify and harmonise internationally

Driving service regulations: Please simplify and harmonise internationally

The Fede­ral Office of Trans­port (FOT) is fur­ther deve­lo­ping the Swiss Dri­ving Ser­vice Regu­la­ti­ons (FDV2024) as part of the 2024 amend­ment cycle. Sys­te­ma­tic chan­ges are cen­tral. Here is a state­ment from the per­spec­ti­ve of the ship­ping industry....