We at the VAP are com­mit­ted to com­pe­ti­ti­ve rail freight trans­port. In the mean­ti­me, seve­ral pri­va­te RUs and VAP mem­bers ope­ra­te important trans­ports. We are happy to intro­du­ce them and their core com­pe­ten­ces. Let’s start with TR Trans Rail AG.

Bet­ween mid-Sep­tem­ber and the end of Decem­ber is har­ve­st time for sugar beet – a mul­ti­mo­dal, logi­sti­cal chall­enge for all invol­ved. Here, rail plays to its strengths, espe­ci­al­ly on medi­um and lon­ger distances, and deli­vers large quan­ti­ties relia­bly and on time to the two plants in Aar­berg and Frauenfeld.

As a long-stan­ding logi­stics part­ner of Schwei­zer Zucker AG, TR Trans Rail AG’s cargo trans­ports reach a peak in the last quar­ter of each year. During this time, a com­plex logi­stics pro­ject is ram­ped up for trans­port to the sugar fac­to­ries. At the loa­ding points, the rail wagons are loa­ded by the far­mers and then trans­por­ted by rail. Since the 2021 sea­son, TR Trans Rail AG has been the sole natio­nal logi­stics part­ner of Schwei­zer Zucker AG in the area of rail trans­port, ano­ther mile­stone in its cor­po­ra­te history.

Thanks to the expe­ri­ence of the past sea­sons, meti­cu­lous plan­ning cou­pled with a high degree of fle­xi­bi­li­ty, the orders are hand­led smooth­ly. If, for exam­p­le, drought or viral yel­lo­wing have a nega­ti­ve impact on yield and sugar con­tent, various trains have to be rerou­ted at short noti­ce. Only with the fle­xi­bi­li­ty of ever­yo­ne invol­ved is it pos­si­ble to opti­mi­se the uti­li­sa­ti­on of the two plants.

Short­ly befo­re Christ­mas 2021, the last load of beet rea­ched the Frau­en­feld sugar fac­to­ry. For 100 days, TR Trans Rail AG trans­por­ted around 555,000 ton­nes of beet to the sugar fac­to­ries in Aar­berg and Frau­en­feld with over 500 trains.

«The trans­port by rail and the coope­ra­ti­on with the part­ners invol­ved most­ly work­ed smooth­ly. Thanks to the rail trans­ports, around 90,000 road kilo­me­t­res could be saved. That cor­re­sponds to a distance of about two cir­cum­na­vi­ga­ti­ons of the earth,» explains Peter Koch, who is respon­si­ble for the sugar beet trans­ports east.

TR Trans Rail AG relies on the VAP when it comes to overarching know-how in rail freight transport.

André Pel­let: To help our cus­to­mers find new trans­port solu­ti­ons for their wagon loads, we wan­ted to learn more about their needs, pos­si­bi­li­ties, but also hurd­les. A busi­ness part­ner the­r­e­fo­re recom­men­ded that we cont­act the VAP, which we alre­a­dy knew. The cont­act was quick­ly estab­lished and the coope­ra­ti­on star­ted quick­ly and wit­hout complications.

What would you tell a col­le­ague about the VAP?

André Pel­let, Mana­ging Direc­tor TR Trans Rail AGThe VAP is an extre­me­ly useful plat­form for the mari­ti­me indus­try. For only tog­e­ther can the urgent issues of freight trans­port by rail be tack­led.
The rail freight sys­tem is extre­me­ly com­plex and the­r­e­fo­re very deman­ding. Each cus­to­mer or pro­vi­der has dif­fe­rent needs. But only the whole unit, bund­led in an asso­cia­ti­on, has the chan­ce to mas­ter the challenges.

Where do you see the most urgent need for action to pro­mo­te rail freight transport?

The trans­port poli­cy frame­work must be right for the freight rail­ways. The tight­ly orga­nis­ed rail­way orga­ni­sa­ti­on must not hin­der the fle­xi­bi­li­ty to find good trans­port solu­ti­ons and the effort must remain within an eco­no­mic mea­su­re. The ever lea­ner infra­struc­tu­re must not rest­rict us any further.

What do you wish for the future of rail freight trans­port in Switzerland?

The rail­way should incre­asing­ly act as a unit vis-à-vis the road. The various ser­vice pro­vi­ders and pri­va­te rail­way com­pa­nies have dif­fe­rent pos­si­bi­li­ties and each could con­tri­bu­te some­thing to the imple­men­ta­ti­on and hand­ling of trans­ports. The rail­ways should not see them­sel­ves as com­pe­ti­tors, but should con­tri­bu­te their indi­vi­du­al strengths and thus offer holi­stic and cus­to­mer-ori­en­ted solutions.

Thank you very much for your ans­wers, André Pellet!


Infor­ma­ti­on about TR Trans Rail AG:

As a Swiss rail trans­port com­pa­ny, TR Trans Rail offers a wide range of offers and ser­vices with various dome­stic and for­eign part­ners. Thanks to many years of expe­ri­ence, they are spe­cia­lists in the areas of freight trans­port, modern ser­vices, train nost­al­gia, group char­ter trips, accom­pa­nied trips and the­med event trips.


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