«An excellent neutral negotiation partner»
The Vetropack Group is a listed and family-run glass packaging manufacturer in Switzerland. We at the VAP accompanied Vetropack during the negotiations on the new siding contract and the renewal of the sidings. We talk about this cooperation and the future of rail freight transport with Philippe Clerc, Head of the Vetropack site in St-Prex.
The Vetropack Group is a listed and family-run glass packaging manufacturer in Switzerland. We at the VAP accompanied Vetropack during the negotiations on the new siding contract and the renewal of the sidings. We talk about this cooperation and the future of rail freight transport with Philippe Clerc, Head of the Vetropack site in St-Prex.

ECM certification of locomotives
01.07.2021 | Member, OperationsTags: COTIF, Motion, Parliament, Rolling stock, RU, Shipper, Wagonload traffic

Motion Borloz
20.01.2021 | Operations, PoliticsTags: COTIF, Motion, Parliament, Rolling stock, RU, Shipper, Wagonload traffic