Rail freight transport in the territory: the industry develops a joint solution

Rail freight transport in the territory: the industry develops a joint solution

The freight rail­ways of the umbrel­la orga­ni­sa­ti­on of public trans­port (VöV) and we at the VAP are hol­ding inten­si­ve talks on the upco­ming reor­ga­ni­sa­ti­on and moder­ni­sa­ti­on of rail freight trans­port in the ter­ri­to­ry and its sus­tainable...
TR Trans Rail AG – a multimodal success story

TR Trans Rail AG – a multimodal success story

We at the VAP are com­mit­ted to com­pe­ti­ti­ve rail freight trans­port. In the mean­ti­me, seve­ral pri­va­te RUs and VAP mem­bers ope­ra­te important trans­ports. We are happy to intro­du­ce them and their core com­pe­ten­ces. Let’s start with TR Trans...
ECM certification of locomotives

ECM certification of locomotives

News and terminology From 16 June 2022, owners of loco­mo­ti­ves will also have to pre­sent an ECM cer­ti­fi­ca­te for their vehi­cles. The acro­nym ECM stands for “Enti­ty in char­ge of main­ten­an­ce” and descri­bes the enti­ty respon­si­ble for main­ten­an­ce. ECMs...