Do not unnecessarily jeopardise the well-functioning rail freight transport system

Do not unnecessarily jeopardise the well-functioning rail freight transport system

In August 2024, the Natio­nal Council’s Trans­port and Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Com­mit­tee sub­mit­ted moti­on 24.3823 ‘Revi­si­on of the risk lia­bi­li­ty of owners of freight wagons’ by 13 votes to 8 with 4 abst­en­ti­ons. The moti­on aims to intro­du­ce strict...
«I consider the asymmetry of benefits and implementation costs to be the biggest sticking point of the DAK»

«I consider the asymmetry of benefits and implementation costs to be the biggest sticking point of the DAK»

The JOSEF MEYER Rail (JMR) Group spe­cia­li­ses in the main­ten­an­ce and repair of freight wagons and has loca­ti­ons in Switz­er­land and abroad. In an inter­view with the VAP, Dr Domi­nik Suter, owner and Chair­man of the Board of Direc­tors, and Ulrich Walt, Group...
The future belongs to combined transport

The future belongs to combined transport

What future do freight rail­ways have in Switz­er­land? The VAP dis­cus­ses these and other ques­ti­ons in a dou­ble inter­view with Peter Knaus, Head of Grau­bün­den Freight Rail­way at the Rhae­ti­an Rail­way (RhB), and Peter Lug­in­bühl, Head of Ope­ra­ti­ons at...
Digital rolling stock inspections: Win-win for everyone involved

Digital rolling stock inspections: Win-win for everyone involved

The fixed train con­trol sys­tems for goods trains and their rol­ling stock are con­stant­ly being refi­ned. The digi­tal con­trol sys­tem Way­si­de Intel­li­gence (WIN) not only increa­ses safe­ty in rail freight trans­port, but also helps wagon kee­pers to plan...