In this tribute, you will learn how rail freight transport in Switzerland is moving persistently towards the future. For many years, innovation was a foreign word for the «brown wagons». But this era is passé. The freight railways are ready for the age...
The Federal Council’s “Modal shift report July 2019 – June 2021” presents the development of transalpine freight traffic and environmental pollution on the transalpine transit axes. It then examines the status of implementation of the modal...
The background in advance Various factors have an impact on the Sectoral Plan for Transport/Programme section and thus on the future of rail freight transport (cf. Figure 1). The Swiss Spatial Development Perspective, the Transport Perspectives and...
In addition to the federal government, the cantons and large Swiss cities are also increasingly defining holistic freight transport concepts for their efficient, safe and environmentally friendly supply and disposal of goods. The freight transport...
The transport companies on road and rail as well as the shipping industry take their economic, ecological and social responsibility seriously and rely on cross-modal solutions. They combine the Rhine, road, rail, inland waterways, pipelines and...