Status quo DAK: between wish and reality

Status quo DAK: between wish and reality

We have sup­port­ed the digi­tal auto­ma­tic cou­pler (DAK) since its begin­nings. That is why we are invol­ved in the inter­na­tio­nal umbrel­la orga­ni­sa­ti­on of wagon kee­pers UIP, the Euro­pean DAC Deli­very Pro­gram­me (EDDP) and the Swiss DAK migra­ti­on...
Subsidising wagonload traffic: preventing distortion of competition and discrimination

Subsidising wagonload traffic: preventing distortion of competition and discrimination

We com­ment on the Fede­ral Council’s con­sul­ta­ti­on draft “Fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of the frame­work con­di­ti­ons for Swiss freight trans­port”. We cri­ti­cal­ly assess the pro­po­sals from the point of view of freight rail cus­to­mers and demons­tra­te the...
Investing in the future with the DAC

Investing in the future with the DAC

The digital automatic coupler (DAC) is much more than what its name suggests. It is the basis for the complete digitalisation and automation of rail freight transport in Switzerland – and thus a far-sighted investment in the future.  Rail freight 4.0  We at VAP are...
Industry and media event DAC4EU Demonstrator Train

Industry and media event DAC4EU Demonstrator Train

On 25 March 2022, the FOT, the SBB, the VAP and the VöV provided information about the test phase and the far-reaching advantages resulting from the Digital Automatic Coupling (DAK). The message was that the DAK lays the foundations for digitisation and thus for a...