The Fede­ral Coun­cil released its mes­sa­ge on the Goods Trans­port Act to the Par­lia­ment in Janu­ary. It aims to moder­ni­ze the com­pre­hen­si­ve sin­gle-wagon load trans­port (EWLV) and estab­lish the foun­da­ti­on for its eco­no­mic via­bi­li­ty. Despi­te various reser­va­tions, the Fede­ral Coun­cil pro­po­ses invest­ment sub­si­dies, tem­po­ra­ry ope­ra­ting com­pen­sa­ti­ons, and incen­ti­ves for shippers.

Key Points:

  • Fede­ral Coun­cil aims for eco­no­mic viability
  • EWLV to under­go fun­da­men­tal res­truc­tu­ring and modernization
  • Sup­port for EWLV ope­ra­ti­on during the moder­niza­ti­on phase
  • BAV cri­ti­ci­zes indus­try guidelines
  • Over­view of the proposal
  • What’s next
Federal Council aims for economic viability

On Janu­ary 10, 2024, the Fede­ral Coun­cil adopted the mes­sa­ge on the Goods Trans­port Act (in Ger­man) for Par­lia­ment. We, from VAP, wel­co­me the con­tin­ued pur­su­it of the favor­ed Vari­ant 1. With this pro­po­sal, the Fede­ral Coun­cil intends to moder­ni­ze rail freight trans­port tech­ni­cal­ly and orga­niza­tio­nal­ly, streng­then mul­ti­mo­dal trans­port chains, and bet­ter inte­gra­te ship­ping. The over­ar­ching goals are to enhan­ce sup­p­ly secu­ri­ty nati­on­wi­de, pro­mo­te mul­ti­mo­da­li­ty, and con­tri­bu­te to the fede­ral envi­ron­men­tal and ener­gy tar­gets. This invol­ves secu­ring cur­rent area covera­ge, gra­du­al­ly incre­asing the share of rail freight trans­port, and lay­ing the ground­work for eco­no­mic­al­ly inde­pen­dent operation.

EWLV to undergo fundamental restructuring and modernization

The basis for this is a com­pre­hen­si­ve res­truc­tu­ring of the EWLV, or net­work traf­fic, with asso­cia­ted tech­no­lo­gi­cal moder­niza­ti­on (espe­ci­al­ly digi­tiza­ti­on), inte­gra­ti­on into the Swiss logi­stics sys­tem, and the estab­lish­ment of non-dis­cri­mi­na­to­ry intra­mo­dal com­pe­ti­ti­on. The lat­ter is expec­ted to signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ve the qua­li­ty and effi­ci­en­cy of logi­stics ser­vices and sim­pli­fy future inno­va­tions. The pro­po­sal allo­ca­tes invest­ment funds of CHF 180 mil­li­on for the intro­duc­tion of digi­tal auto­ma­tic cou­pling (DAK). Addi­tio­nal invest­ment funds are ear­mark­ed for digi­ti­zed pro­cess opti­miza­ti­ons, data exch­an­ge plat­forms, and simi­lar initiatives.

Support for EWLV operation during the modernization phase

To main­tain cur­rent area covera­ge, the ope­ra­ti­on will be finan­ci­al­ly sup­port­ed for eight years during the moder­niza­ti­on phase. Alle­gedly unco­ver­ed costs will be cover­ed, and com­pen­sa­ti­ons will decrease in line with the pro­gress of the res­truc­tu­ring, deter­mi­ned in multi-year per­for­mance agree­ments with all freight rail­ways invol­ved in net­work traffic.

BAV criticizes industry guidelines

To ensu­re the suc­cess of this trans­for­ma­ti­on and sta­ble EWLV ope­ra­ti­on during the res­truc­tu­ring phase, the indus­try has pro­po­sed gui­de­lines for spe­ci­fic mea­su­res and sup­port cri­te­ria. Howe­ver, the Fede­ral Office of Trans­port (BAV) cri­ti­ci­zes these as insuf­fi­ci­ent and demands fur­ther revi­si­ons. It par­ti­cu­lar­ly high­lights the lack of per­spec­ti­ve for a com­pre­hen­si­ve rede­sign to enhan­ce effi­ci­en­cy and uti­liza­ti­on, fore­se­e­ing a ten­den­cy towards struc­tu­ral main­ten­an­ce and fur­ther ser­vice reduc­tion. The VAP under­stands the BAV’s reser­va­tions, as the gui­de­lines repre­sent a com­pro­mi­se bet­ween ship­pers and freight rail­ways, with signi­fi­cant con­ces­si­ons made by VAP in the inte­rest of the cause. Sub­stan­ti­al revi­si­ons are now neces­sa­ry, espe­ci­al­ly from the per­spec­ti­ve of freight trans­port cus­to­mers as users of logi­stics services.

We are pre­pared to signi­fi­cant­ly sup­port fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment. A com­pre­hen­si­ve ope­ra­tio­nal con­trol sys­tem is seen as a cru­cial pre­re­qui­si­te for this trans­for­ma­ti­on, ser­ving as an eva­lua­ti­on tool for the effec­ti­ve­ness of mea­su­res and incen­ti­ves, along with the estab­lish­ment of a digi­tal plat­form. The trans­for­ma­ti­on should be metho­di­cal­ly struc­tu­red and imple­men­ted in a tar­ge­ted man­ner as a project.

Overview of the proposal
  • Invest­ment sub­si­dies: The Fede­ral Coun­cil allo­ca­tes CHF 180 mil­li­on for the intro­duc­tion of DAK, cove­ring appro­xi­m­ate­ly one-third of the res­truc­tu­ring costs. The con­ver­si­on of rol­ling stock must be coor­di­na­ted across Euro­pe and is expec­ted to be com­ple­ted by 2033. DAK is anti­ci­pa­ted to sub­stan­ti­al­ly impro­ve the pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and qua­li­ty of rail freight trans­port.
    DAK Facts­heet (PDF, 971 kB)
  • Ope­ra­ting com­pen­sa­ti­ons: To main­tain EWLV at the cur­rent com­pre­hen­si­ve level during the res­truc­tu­ring phase, the Fede­ral Coun­cil pro­po­ses to finan­ci­al­ly sup­port it for eight years on a degres­si­ve basis. By the end of this peri­od, eco­no­mic via­bi­li­ty should be achie­ved. For the first four years, it requests CHF 260 mil­li­on.
    Freight Trans­port Facts­heet (PDF, 712 kB)
  • Incen­ti­ves for ship­pers: Per­ma­nent­ly plan­ned are hand­ling and loa­ding con­tri­bu­ti­ons, along with com­pen­sa­ti­on for the unco­ver­ed costs of the orde­red freight trans­port ser­vice, tota­ling CHF 60 mil­li­on per year.

Read the com­ple­te mes­sa­ge on the Goods Trans­port Act.

What’s next
  • In the first half of 2024, open points bet­ween BAV and the indus­try will be dis­cus­sed, and gui­de­lines will be sup­ple­men­ted and cla­ri­fied accordingly.
  • Within this frame­work and fol­lo­wing the appr­oval of the revi­sed law, a ten­de­ring pro­cess for various ser­vice packa­ges within net­work traf­fic is expec­ted to start by the end of 2024.
  • Nego­tia­ti­ons on poten­ti­al per­for­mance agree­ments are plan­ned for 2025, allo­wing any sup­port mea­su­res to take effect in early 2026.

For fur­ther details, refer to this joint press release from VAP, LITRA, ASTAG, IG Kom­bi­nier­ter Ver­kehr, and VöV.

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