Marco Rosso is Chair­man of the Board of Direc­tors of Cargo sous ter­rain AG (CST). In an inter­view with the VAP, he talks about inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty, non-dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on on the last mile and the logi­stics of the future. And about how col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve inno­va­ti­on can con­tri­bu­te to the qua­li­ty of life of peo­p­le in Switz­er­land and func­tion pro­fi­ta­b­ly at the same time.

VAP: Mr Rosso, how do you see the rela­ti­onship bet­ween rail freight and CST in the future?

Marco Rosso: Rail and CST are two sys­tems that com­ple­ment each other. CST coope­ra­tes with all modes of trans­port to joint­ly absorb the pre­dic­ted freight traf­fic growth of over 30% by 2050 in an inno­va­ti­ve, sus­tainable way. Becau­se CST is not sui­ta­ble for all trans­ports, the com­pa­ny sup­ports the busi­ness models of rail, road hau­liers and other logi­stics play­ers with new tech­no­lo­gy and digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on. Only with coope­ra­ti­on (within the frame­work of com­pe­ti­ti­on rules) can inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty be gua­ran­teed among the most diver­se modes of trans­port and trans­port com­pa­nies. The­r­e­fo­re, CST plans to con­nect to rail, road, ship, air freight and other sys­tems. At the CST hubs, there will be mul­ti­mo­dal con­nec­tions, in par­ti­cu­lar also a rail con­nec­tion. In the con­s­truc­tion phase, start­ing as early as 2026 and con­ti­nuing until 2045, CST will use rail trans­port to the tune of 2,000 goods trains per year and thus beco­me an important rail customer.

Should­n’t the state crea­te the infra­struc­tu­re and the ope­ra­ti­on in the tun­nels, as well as the ope­ra­ti­on of the ter­mi­nals and the last/first mile would then be free and sub­ject to competition?

CST is a sys­tem that only works as a whole becau­se all pro­ces­ses are con­trol­led end-to-end. This is the only way to ensu­re that the gene­ral cargo rea­ches its desti­na­ti­on on time and relia­bly. For this reason, the sys­tem must be mana­ged from a sin­gle source and at the same time be con­nec­ta­ble to all part­ner plat­forms. CST has been plan­ned and con­cei­ved as a pri­va­te-sec­tor pro­ject from the very begin­ning. With this finan­cing con­cept, it is pos­si­ble and important to move for­ward quick­ly wit­hout strai­ning the funds in the fede­ral bud­get. The inves­tors also include important future cus­to­mers. They help to deve­lop the sys­tem in line with the mar­ket. The Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on has reco­g­nis­ed that it would not be expe­di­ent to act as a crea­tor its­elf, but to limit its­elf to the legal frame­work. With careful­ly pre­pared busi­ness plans, com­pe­ti­ti­ve pri­ces and the broad inves­tor base that sup­ports the pro­ject, CST shows that inno­va­ti­on in freight trans­port con­tri­bu­tes to the qua­li­ty of life in cities and rural areas and can func­tion pro­fi­ta­b­ly at the same time.

Where do you see the big­gest chal­lenges in your project?

Such a com­pre­hen­si­ve pro­ject pres­ents many chal­lenges, for exam­p­le in plan­ning, legal, envi­ron­men­tal, finan­cial and poli­ti­cal terms. What distin­gu­is­hes CST is the model of col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve inno­va­ti­on – with the inclu­si­on of all stake­hol­ders. The pro­ject approa­ches the chal­lenges prag­ma­ti­cal­ly in stages.

How do you design a non-dis­cri­mi­na­to­ry first/last mile?

Our sys­tem is plan­ned to be non-dis­cri­mi­na­to­ry from the start any­way, wit­hout the law requi­ring it. The fol­lo­wing appli­es throug­hout: ever­yo­ne has access to the sys­tem with the same price for the same ser­vice. But we go even fur­ther, for exam­p­le, by deve­lo­ping CST’s city logi­stics in a col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve part­ner­ship and are open to any coope­ra­ti­on with smal­ler as well as lar­ger part­ners, inclu­ding the rail­ways and the post office. Here, too, our prin­ci­ple is col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve inno­va­ti­on, which we live by every day.

What is the grea­test bene­fit or moti­va­ti­on of CST for the Swiss population?

The most important effect of CST will be to increase the qua­li­ty of life for all inha­bi­tants of Switz­er­land. By show­ing a way how the logi­stics of the future can look sus­tainable, how heavy traf­fic on the road can be moved away by bund­ling and pre-sort­ing in tun­nels for all ship­pers, or how a traf­fic jam can be avo­ided for the sup­p­ly of goods, how to get the best out of the available resour­ces in terms of CO2 emis­si­ons, noise, etc. The pre­cious space on the sur­face should pri­ma­ri­ly belong to the popu­la­ti­on. CST favours the expan­si­on of infra­struc­tu­re as well as rene­wa­ble ener­gies in Switz­er­land. CST is a pri­va­te­ly finan­ced dri­ver of inno­va­ti­on for the bene­fit of the Swiss eco­no­my and for qua­li­ty of life in cities and vil­la­ges by gua­ran­te­e­ing secu­ri­ty of sup­p­ly and thus incre­asing pro­spe­ri­ty in Switzerland.

Are there any points that you think we should still let our mem­bers know about?

There are decisi­ve decis­i­ons and dis­cus­sions ahead, espe­ci­al­ly against the back­ground of the poli­ti­cal deba­tes on freight trans­port. We are firm­ly con­vin­ced that with an entre­pre­neu­ri­al atti­tu­de we can make an effec­ti­ve con­tri­bu­ti­on to main­tai­ning Switz­er­land in the 21st cen­tu­ry as an excel­lent busi­ness loca­ti­on with a high qua­li­ty of life, also for future gene­ra­ti­ons. We par­ti­ci­pa­te in this work with enthu­si­asm and commitment.

Mr Rosso, thank you very much for the interview.

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