Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the indus­try and inte­rest groups had until 24 Febru­ary 2023 to com­ment on the con­sul­ta­ti­on draft entit­led «Impro­ving the frame­work con­di­ti­ons for freight trans­port in Switz­er­land». The LITRA, UTP, CI TCNA, ASTAG and VAP have joint­ly sub­mit­ted their views (blog Rail freight trans­port in the ter­ri­to­ry: the indus­try deve­lo­ps a joint solu­ti­on). Here is a sum­ma­ry of the key ele­ments of the respon­ses from other stakeholders.


The issues at stake:
  • Aban­do­ning wagon­load traf­fic (TWCI) would be fatal.
  • Fun­ding must not main­tain the sta­tus quo.
  • Digi­tal Auto­ma­tic Cou­pling (DAC) and the data plat­form must be promoted.
  • Non-dis­cri­mi­na­to­ry access to the mar­ket must remain possible.
  • Inno­va­ti­ve approa­ches at orga­ni­sa­tio­nal level, coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween players
  • Focus on cus­to­mer benefit.


The Fede­ral Coun­cil invi­ted indus­try repre­sen­ta­ti­ves and poli­ti­cal par­ties to sub­mit their views on the con­sul­ta­ti­on pro­ject entit­led “Impro­ving the frame­work con­di­ti­ons for freight trans­port in Switz­er­land” by 24 Febru­ary 2023. Many respon­ses were recei­ved. Below we compa­re the state­ments of the repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of cer­tain inte­rest groups and draw a con­clu­si­on. The Fede­ral Coun­cil will incor­po­ra­te the feed­back into its mes­sa­ge to Par­lia­ment in a second step.

Do not abandon the TWCI

With the excep­ti­on of the SVP, the respon­ses were in favour of vari­ant 1, a fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of V1 or a com­ple­te­ly new vari­ant. The respond­ents con­sider the aban­don­ment of the TWCI to be fatal. They fear the loss of secu­ri­ty of sup­p­ly, capa­ci­ty shorta­ges on the road, addi­tio­nal work and expen­se in logi­stics and grea­ter efforts to meet cli­ma­te compatibility.

Do not maintain the status quo through funding

Many respond­ents agreed with par­ti­al fun­ding as pro­po­sed. Seve­ral respon­ses sug­gested that fun­ding should be from exis­ting funds – pre­fer­a­b­ly from the IFF – rather than from new cre­dit. Howe­ver, seve­ral respond­ents expres­sed con­cern that the fun­ding is unde­re­sti­ma­ted and the­r­e­fo­re ser­ves at most to main­tain the cur­rent state. They the­r­e­fo­re call for an increase in fun­ding that will achie­ve the modal split chan­ge they are aiming for. There is a con­sen­sus that the fun­ding should allow for moder­ni­sa­ti­on and cus­to­mer ori­en­ta­ti­on, so as to ensu­re finan­cial auto­no­my in the future.

Advancing digitalisation and automation

A majo­ri­ty is in favour of moder­ni­s­ing rail freight trans­port by means of the CPD. They appro­ve of fede­ral fun­ding in the form of time-limi­t­ed finan­cing until the DAC is completed.

Accor­ding to the majo­ri­ty of respon­ses, digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on also includes the inter­con­nec­tion of free­ly acces­si­ble data plat­forms and the sim­pli­fi­ca­ti­on of coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween mar­ket play­ers that goes with it.

Preserving a non-discriminatory market economy

Some voices call for a trans­fer man­da­te for freight trans­port, others insist on a free choice of means of trans­port in dome­stic traf­fic. On the whole, respond­ents want non-dis­cri­mi­na­to­ry sup­port for dif­fe­rent types of traf­fic and modes of trans­port. The free mar­ket eco­no­my must be pre­ser­ved. Inno­va­ti­ve approa­ches at the orga­ni­sa­tio­nal level and coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween mar­ket play­ers will make TFM more attrac­ti­ve to customers.

Preventing distortions of competition in the TWCI

The majo­ri­ty did not sup­port SBB Cargo as a mono­po­ly in the TWCI. The respond­ents pro­po­se adjus­t­ments to pre­vent dis­tor­ti­ons of com­pe­ti­ti­on, such as orga­ni­sa­tio­nal and finan­cial sepa­ra­ti­on of the TWCI from the block train and coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween the mar­ket players.

Improving customer benefit

A need men­tio­ned by seve­ral inter­view­ees is that the over­all design should sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly focus on impro­ving cus­to­mer bene­fit. This includes suf­fi­ci­ent and pro­per­ly allo­ca­ted infra­struc­tu­re capa­ci­ty and an appro­pria­te mar­ket sys­tem that pro­mo­tes inno­va­ti­on and attrac­ti­ve offers. With regard to train path pri­ces, the respond­ents would like to see a reduc­tion – for exam­p­le, on a Euro­pean scale.

An underestimation of the need for action

The many respon­ses high­light one thing: the need for action in rail freight trans­port is much grea­ter than the Fede­ral Coun­cil has shown. The two alter­na­ti­ve solu­ti­ons mere­ly offer a choice bet­ween two les­ser evils ins­tead of a com­pre­hen­si­ve solu­ti­on. In order to have a fac­tu­al deba­te on the finan­cing alter­na­ti­ves, the respond­ents would like to recei­ve clear facts about SBB Cargo’s finances.

The over­whel­ming majo­ri­ty of respond­ents deplo­red the fact that there was no coher­ent over­view, rather than just the TFM and ship­ping. They cited the HVF and the forth­co­ming revi­si­on of the Fede­ral Act on a Heavy Vehic­le Fee (HVF), as well as the Fede­ral Act on Mobi­li­ty Data Infra­struc­tu­re (MVDI).




The DETEC eva­lua­ti­on is published here:

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