For the first time since 2018, the Siding Forum was held again on 15 Novem­ber 2022. The spea­k­ers agreed: sidings can very well be ope­ra­ted suc­cessful­ly, as long as the ope­ra­tors invest money and time in plan­ning, exper­ti­se and safety.

That’s what it’s all about:
  • Sidings can be ope­ra­ted suc­cessful­ly. But it requi­res money and planning.
  • Prag­ma­tic safe­ty checks make it pos­si­ble to compa­re theo­ry and practice.
  • The exch­an­ge of expe­ri­ence within the indus­try and the expert sup­port pro­vi­ded by the VAP are welcomed.


Critical view

In the first part of the forum we brought up the new roles in wagon­load traf­fic. In his wel­co­me address, VAP Secre­ta­ry Gene­ral Frank Fur­rer took a cri­ti­cal look at the cur­rent con­sul­ta­ti­on pro­cess. He cal­led on those pre­sent to con­tri­bu­te their ideas for suc­cessful rail freight trans­port in indus­try dis­cus­sions. What is nee­ded is a reor­ga­ni­sa­ti­on of the roles of the play­ers on the last mile, in dis­tri­bu­ti­on and in pro­duc­tion. There is also a need for a more fle­xi­ble use of resour­ces such as wagons and loco­mo­ti­ves through new busi­ness models. A study by the VAP in 2013 alre­a­dy show­ed at that time that com­pe­ti­ti­on-ori­en­ted coope­ra­ti­on leads to a sys­tem with more effi­ci­ent ser­vice pro­vi­si­on and more traffic.


Tho­mas Kel­ler, Head of Logi­stics at Per­len Papier AG, spoke about the suc­cessful ope­ra­ti­on of the sidings. He descri­bed the recruit­ment of qua­li­fied employees as a major chall­enge for his sidings in Gisikon/Root. The neces­sa­ry trai­ning costs a lot of money and requi­res far-sigh­ted plan­ning. Other fac­tors are the com­plex ope­ra­ting regu­la­ti­ons and the main­ten­an­ce of the company’s own loco­mo­ti­ves. Tho­mas Kel­ler shared with the guests his expe­ri­en­ces with Artic­le 6a of the Freight Trans­port Ordi­nan­ce and Rail­Com. Thanks to good advice from the VAP, it was pos­si­ble to find an ade­qua­te spe­cial solu­ti­on for access to the Per­len Papier AG siding, accor­ding to which no use by third par­ties is pos­si­ble becau­se the faci­li­ties are not sui­ta­ble for this and expan­si­on pro­jects exist.

Safety checks

Ueli Remund, mem­ber of the siding staff at Plan­zer Trans­port AG, used the orga­ni­sa­ti­on and pro­ces­ses as an exam­p­le to show how important clean docu­men­ta­ti­on and safe­ty checks are, e.g. to ensu­re safe­ty and tracea­bi­li­ty. Such docu­men­ta­ti­on is essen­ti­al for the suc­cessful ope­ra­ti­on of rail­way sidings. Plan­zer nee­ded to refi­ne the inter­nal con­trols of the sidings. Ueli Remund recom­men­ded hiring the VAP expert ser­vice pro­vi­der to do this if the exper­ti­se is lack­ing in-house.


Hein­rich Mau­rer, Head of Real Estate at mobi­log AG, high­ligh­ted main­ten­an­ce and its relia­ble plan­ning with the sup­port of the VAP, using the exam­p­le of the company’s own siding. This is an important part of the trans­port logi­stics; after all, 70% of the inbound volu­me is deli­ver­ed by rail. mobi­log AG deci­ded to load onto the train after the Gott­hard tun­nel was clo­sed for a long time due to an acci­dent. Hein­rich Mau­rer con­siders this decis­i­on to have been the right one in the long term.

Duty of supervision

In the second part, Hen­rik Lipp­mann, lead audi­tor at the FOT’s Safe­ty Super­vi­si­on Sec­tion, repor­ted on the expe­ri­ence gai­ned from the safe­ty super­vi­si­on of adjoi­ning com­pa­nies. This super­vi­so­ry duty brings added value to the com­pa­nies. Many rail­way ope­ra­tors are not fami­li­ar with the rail­way, which is why the audits are often tan­ta­mount to advice. The online siding direc­to­ry is an important tool. Siding owners can use this to file docu­ments digi­tal­ly, set up auto­ma­tic noti­fi­ca­ti­ons and for other useful func­tions. Hen­rik Lipp­mann also pro­vi­ded infor­ma­ti­on about the upco­ming chan­ges in the 2024 amend­ment cycle to the Dri­ving Ser­vice Regu­la­ti­ons (FDV), which will lead to sim­pli­fi­ca­ti­ons in the shun­ting area of the sidings.


In the panel dis­cus­sion, the spea­k­ers dis­cus­sed the topic “Safe­ty in rea­li­ty and theo­ry – are there dif­fe­ren­ces?”. Inte­res­ted ship­pers, freight rail­ways and ser­vice pro­vi­ders took part in the forum. They were able to take away valuable insights and prac­ti­cal tips from the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and the dis­cus­sion. And, of cour­se, net­wor­king was not negle­c­ted at the sub­se­quent stand-up lunch.


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