Economic advantages of a competitive freight railway

Economic advantages of a competitive freight railway

Freight trans­port plays a cru­cial role for the natio­nal eco­no­my as it enables the exch­an­ge of goods and ser­vices. In view of the chal­lenges such as limi­t­ed road capa­ci­ty and cli­ma­te chan­ge, the shift of freight trans­port to rail is beco­ming...
Electricity shortage: take precautions and develop scenarios

Electricity shortage: take precautions and develop scenarios

Energy transition, geopolitical crises, supply shortages – these and other factors could lead to an electricity shortage. The large consumers are called upon to develop scenarios for a quota system. We at the VAP are actively working on this. Electricity is...
VAP becomes a member of SWISS SUPPLY

VAP becomes a member of SWISS SUPPLY

VAP as new com­pe­tence partner With the SWISS SUPPLY asso­cia­ti­on, the most important logistics, sup­ply and trans­port orga­ni­sa­ti­ons in Switz­er­land want to pro­mo­te the image of logistics, sup­ply chain and trans­port and carry out public edu­ca­ti­on work....
Noise reduction and automation make rail more attractive

Noise reduction and automation make rail more attractive

A con­si­derable poten­ti­al for more sus­taina­bi­li­ty in rail freight trans­port lies in noise aba­te­ment. Noise must be fur­ther redu­ced so that an incre­a­se in rail freight trans­port can be rea­li­sed without signi­fi­cant incre­a­ses in noise. This will then...
Motion CO2-free rail freight transport

Motion CO2-free rail freight transport

The moti­on 20.3222 «Rail freight trans­port and con­tri­bu­ti­on to redu­cing CO2 emis­si­ons» sub­mit­ted by VAP Pre­si­dent and Coun­cil­lor of Sta­tes Josef Ditt­li was adopted by both Coun­cils. The aim is to draw up a plan of mea­su­res that out­lines how rail...