«Modal shift requires determination from the top management team»

«Modal shift requires determination from the top management team»

The Coop Group has com­mit­ted its­elf to redu­cing CO2 emis­si­ons. Shif­ting trans­port to rail is a cen­tral com­po­nent of this stra­tegy. In an inter­view with VAP, Dani­el Hin­ter­mann, Head of Logi­stics at the Coop Group, explains how the retail and...
Titus Büter from Swiss Post wants fast and punctual freight trains

Titus Büter from Swiss Post wants fast and punctual freight trains

Titus Büt­ler is Head of Trans­port at Post CH AG and has been respon­si­ble for all let­ter, par­cel and news­pa­per trans­port by rail and road in Switz­er­land since the begin­ning of 2022. Pre­vious­ly, he mana­ged the Frau­en­feld par­cel cen­ter for over 20...
Power shortage (Part 4): Emergency measures are concretised

Power shortage (Part 4): Emergency measures are concretised

Ener­gy secu­ri­ty is and remains one of our top issues. The Fede­ral Coun­cil is curr­ent­ly con­cre­ti­sing the manage­ment mea­su­res in the event of an elec­tri­ci­ty shorta­ge in the form of pre­pared ordi­nan­ces. Spe­cial pro­vi­si­ons are envi­sa­ged for...


The elec­tri­ci­ty shorta­ge is an urgent poli­ti­cal and eco­no­mic issue. That is why we are keen to ensu­re that our mem­bers are kept up to date. In this third blog epi­so­de, we dis­cuss how the rail­way indus­try can respond to the Fede­ral Council’s calls for savings by taking vol­un­t­a­ry ener­gy-saving measures.

The elec­tri­ci­ty shorta­ge is an urgent poli­ti­cal and eco­no­mic issue. That is why we are keen to ensu­re that our mem­bers are kept up to date. In this third blog epi­so­de, we dis­cuss how the rail­way indus­try can respond to the Fede­ral Council’s calls for savings by taking vol­un­t­a­ry ener­gy-saving measures.

«You won’t go far without courage»

«You won’t go far without courage»

Dr Heiko Fischer pre­si­des over the Inter­na­tio­nal Union of Wagon Kee­pers UIP. The for­mer VTG boss talks to the VAP about the future of Euro­pean rail freight trans­port and the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on of the rail sec­tor. He would like to see more...
Power shortage (part 2): Prepare now for later

Power shortage (part 2): Prepare now for later

Should an electricity shortage actually occur in Switzerland due to the geopolitical crisis and supply bottlenecks, it is essential that freight transport customers can continue to be served. This means that the transport companies must clarify their energy needs in...