Compromise for UGüTG: Discrimination ban yes, disclosure of calculation no

Compromise for UGüTG: Discrimination ban yes, disclosure of calculation no

After the Coun­cil of Sta­tes deci­ded to dele­te the pro­hi­bi­ti­on of discri­mi­na­ti­on in trans­port ser­vices offe­red in Art. 5 UGüTG, the Natio­nal Coun­cil deci­ded to retain the arti­cle while wai­ving the dis­clo­sure of the cal­cu­la­ti­on of the...
VAP becomes a member of SWISS SUPPLY

VAP becomes a member of SWISS SUPPLY

VAP as new com­pe­tence partner With the SWISS SUPPLY asso­cia­ti­on, the most important logistics, sup­ply and trans­port orga­ni­sa­ti­ons in Switz­er­land want to pro­mo­te the image of logistics, sup­ply chain and trans­port and carry out public edu­ca­ti­on work....
In the interview: Matthias Grieder

In the interview: Matthias Grieder

VAP: Mr Grie­der, what is your col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the VAP like?Matthias Grie­der: We have regu­lar dealings with Gene­ral Secre­ta­ry Frank Fur­rer. For exam­p­le, he is the repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of the Ris­tet-Ber­ger­moos track coope­ra­ti­ve and has repre­sen­ted...
Data platforms: Better cooperation, more competition

Data platforms: Better cooperation, more competition

In the Year of Rail 2021, we are focu­sing our atten­ti­on on the deve­lo­p­ment of so-cal­led data plat­forms in Ger­ma­ny. A first neu­tral data plat­form for com­bi­ned trans­port is to go live as early as 2022. All play­ers in com­bi­ned trans­port are to be...
25 years of the «Contract of Lugano» – a look into the future

25 years of the «Contract of Lugano» – a look into the future

Exact­ly 25 years after the sig­ning of the “Trea­ty of Luga­no”, the Ger­man rail­way sta­ti­on in the Swiss bor­der metro­po­lis of Basel took stock. For the VAP, in addi­ti­on to the expan­si­on of the line on the right bank of the Rhine, that of the line on the...