4th EU railway package: Rail free for innovation

4th EU railway package: Rail free for innovation

Bar­ri­er-free across borders With the tech­ni­cal pil­lar of the 4th rail­way packa­ge, the Euro­pean Union (EU) is stri­ving for rapid and sus­tainable har­mo­ni­sa­ti­on in inter­na­tio­nal stan­dard-gauge traf­fic so that cross-bor­der rail traf­fic can run...
Notable facts from the autumn session 2021

Notable facts from the autumn session 2021

Dis­patch 20.081 on the Fede­ral Law on the Under­ground Trans­por­ta­ti­on of Goods With the adop­ti­on of the fede­ral bill, the legal basis for the Cargo Sous Ter­rain (CST) logi­stics pro­ject has been crea­ted. A final dif­fe­rence over expro­pria­ti­on must...
VAP signs letter of intent on automation

VAP signs letter of intent on automation

Tog­e­ther with the Fede­ral Office of Trans­port (FOT) and the Asso­cia­ti­on of Public Trans­port (VÖV), the VAP Asso­cia­ti­on of the Loa­ding Indus­try has signed a decla­ra­ti­on of intent to auto­ma­te Swiss rail freight trans­port. The long-term major pro­ject...