Freight transport plays a crucial role for the national economy as it enables the exchange of goods and services. In view of the challenges such as limited road capacity and climate change, the shift of freight transport to rail is becoming increasingly important. Here we explain the economic benefits of a modal shift.
Limited road capacity:
The road infrastructure is limited and is already reaching its limits in many regions. Due to the increased use of HGVs in freight transport, traffic on the roads continues to rise, leading to congestion, delays and increased transport costs. Shifting freight traffic to the railways relieves the roads. This enables more efficient use of existing infrastructure and reduces the need for expensive road extensions.
Climate change and environmental pollution:
The transport sector contributes significantly to CO2 emissions and other harmful environmental impacts. Compared to road transport, rail transport is more environmentally friendly, as trains produce on average fewer emissions per tonne-kilometre. In addition, rail transport reduces noise levels and minimises air pollution in urban areas, resulting in an improved quality of life for the population.
Efficiency and economy:
Rail offers high efficiency in freight transport as trains can carry larger loads than trucks. By using goods trains, large quantities of goods can be transported in one go, which leads to an optimisation of transport costs. This allows companies to improve their logistics processes and increase the efficiency of their supply chains. A more efficient freight transport connection leads to lower transport costs, which in turn increases the competitiveness of companies and has a positive impact on the national economy. Through digitalisation, the necessary freight wagons can be efficiently networked, thus avoiding fixed costs.
Safety and accident prevention:
Shifting freight transport to rail contributes to increasing road safety. Compared to road transport, accidents in rail transport are less frequent and generally have a lower impact on life, health and the environment. Reducing HGV traffic on the roads minimises potential sources of danger and increases safety for other road users.
Experienced logistics experts needed
Independent and sector-specific logistics experts are needed who specialise in specific products. The railways should concentrate on operating the trains, while the overall logistics are in the specialised hands of the logistics experts.