The Fede­ral Coun­cil wants to fur­ther streng­then the rail­ways in the long term. To this end, it has revi­sed its long-term rail stra­tegy. It is now focu­sing on impro­ved access to the rail­way and more capa­ci­ty on the east-west axis with new mul­ti­mo­dal tran­ship­ment plat­forms and faci­li­ties for city logi­stics. Here is a cri­ti­cal app­rai­sal of this perspective.

With a view to future expan­si­on steps of the rail­way infra­struc­tu­re, the Fede­ral Coun­cil has adapt­ed its long-term rail per­spec­ti­ve from 2012 and published details from the mee­ting of 22 June 2022. Up to now, the Fede­ral Coun­cil has con­cen­tra­ted pri­ma­ri­ly on eli­mi­na­ting bot­t­len­ecks and incre­asing fre­quen­cy. With the upco­ming expan­si­on steps within the frame­work of the BAHN 2050 per­spec­ti­ve, it wants to impro­ve the rail ser­vice pri­ma­ri­ly on short and medi­um distances, for exam­p­le with addi­tio­nal S‑Bahn ser­vices and an upgrade of the sub­ur­ban sta­ti­ons. In this way, it takes into account the fact that the grea­test poten­ti­al for modal shift to rail lies within the agglo­me­ra­ti­ons and in con­nec­tions bet­ween regio­nal cen­tres and agglomerations.

Promoting modal shift in freight transport

In freight trans­port, access to the rail­way is to be impro­ved and capa­ci­ties on the east-west axis increased. This will be achie­ved with new mul­ti­mo­dal tran­ship­ment plat­forms and faci­li­ties for city logi­stics. With the tar­ge­ted modal shift, the Fede­ral Coun­cil wants to streng­then its stra­tegy for achie­ving the cli­ma­te goals and bet­ter coor­di­na­te spa­ti­al and trans­port plan­ning. This aspi­ra­ti­on is expres­sed in its visi­on: «Thanks to the effi­ci­ent use of its strengths, the rail­way makes a major con­tri­bu­ti­on to the 2050 cli­ma­te goal and streng­thens Switz­er­land as a place to live and do business».

Conflict of goals: free choice of transport

The Fede­ral Coun­cil defi­nes one of the main goals of RAIL 2050 as incre­asing the share of rail in the modal split for both pas­sen­ger and freight trans­port. This goal con­tra­dicts the con­sti­tu­ti­on, which gua­ran­tees the free choice of trans­port mode for dome­stic traf­fic. There is also a con­tra­dic­tion with the Fede­ral Council’s pre­vious goals, in par­ti­cu­lar with goal 7 of DETEC’s 2040 ori­en­ta­ti­on frame­work, «Future Mobi­li­ty». Accor­ding to this, trans­port users in Switz­er­land are free to deci­de which mobi­li­ty offers they use and combine.

Intramodal competition and market-based offers

For us at the VAP, the modal split is the result of a well thought-out infra­struc­tu­re, trans­port and spa­ti­al plan­ning poli­cy. As the voice of the ship­ping indus­try, we advo­ca­te favoura­ble frame­work con­di­ti­ons that boost intra­mo­dal com­pe­ti­ti­on on the rail­ways and ensu­re cus­to­mer ori­en­ta­ti­on and inno­va­ti­on with mar­ket-based offers. In order for such offers to deve­lop their poten­ti­al, suf­fi­ci­ent capa­ci­ties on the net­work with high-qua­li­ty and inex­pen­si­ve train paths as well as suf­fi­ci­ent­ly well-deve­lo­ped logi­stics loca­ti­ons are neces­sa­ry. This is the only way to increase the share of rail freight trans­port in the modal split. We the­r­e­fo­re warn against ideas of fur­ther net­works and coor­di­na­ted sys­tem train paths by SBB Cargo. These hin­der the desi­red intra­mo­dal com­pe­ti­ti­on and have a cor­re­spon­din­gly nega­ti­ve effect on cus­to­mer ori­en­ta­ti­on and innovation.

Ensuring connection to Europe

We wel­co­me the Fede­ral Council’s focus on short and medi­um distances. Howe­ver, it igno­res the com­plex poten­ti­al of inter­na­tio­nal trans­port. This is reg­rettable. In our opi­ni­on, the BAHN 2050 per­spec­ti­ve should pro­vi­de for a favoura­ble con­nec­tion of the Swiss rail­way net­work to the inter­na­tio­nal cor­ri­dors and the Rhine ports as well as sou­thern ports in the desti­na­ti­on area. The Fede­ral Coun­cil is expli­cit­ly cal­led upon to meet this requi­re­ment by Moti­on 22.3000 «Con­ti­nua­tion of the suc­cessful modal shift poli­cy and gua­ran­tee of natio­nal sup­p­ly secu­ri­ty thanks to the expan­si­on of the Wörth-Stras­bourg Neat fee­der line on the left bank of the Rhine» and Moti­on 20.3003 «State trea­ty for a Neat fee­der line on the left bank of the Rhine».

A clear yes to digitalisation

We con­sider the inten­ti­on to con­sis­t­ent­ly use effi­ci­en­cy gains through auto­ma­ti­on and new tech­no­lo­gies as posi­ti­ve, as well as the goal of fle­xi­bly and opti­mal­ly net­wor­king rail ser­vices with other modes of trans­port and ser­vices as part of over­all mobi­li­ty. In addi­ti­on to the afo­re­men­tio­ned mul­ti­mo­dal tran­ship­ment plat­forms, the frame­work and mar­ket con­di­ti­ons for freight rail­ways play a decisi­ve role here. In addi­ti­on to digi­tal auto­ma­tic cou­pling (DAK), this includes open data and boo­king plat­forms in par­ti­cu­lar. With their help, data from the enti­re value chain is recor­ded and exch­an­ged trans­par­ent­ly so that rail freight cus­to­mers can easi­ly book their con­sign­ments and track the flow of goods in real time.

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