«We want to be faster and better than the others in the future as well.»

«We want to be faster and better than the others in the future as well.»

In June 2022, the take­over of the fami­ly busi­ness WASCOSA by Swiss Life and Vau­ban was announ­ced. We wan­ted to know more about the back­ground to this sale and the visi­on of WASCOSA from the for­mer owner and future Chair­man of the Board of Direc­tors Phil­ipp...
Freight Transport Forum: the industry stands together for progress in rail freight transport

Freight Transport Forum: the industry stands together for progress in rail freight transport

On 3 May 2022, the popular Freight Transport Forum finally took place again after three years. The most important players and representatives from the shipping industry from all over Europe met to refresh their expertise and exchange ideas with colleagues across...
Important transport of dangerous goods on the Simplon

Important transport of dangerous goods on the Simplon

Accor­ding to the modal shift report of Novem­ber 2021, the Fede­ral Coun­cil is con­side­ring a con­sul­ta­ti­on on a ban on the trans­port of dan­ge­rous goods at the Sim­plon. In doing so, it is revi­sing its assess­ment sub­mit­ted to par­lia­ment in 2015,...
VAP becomes a member of SWISS SUPPLY

VAP becomes a member of SWISS SUPPLY

VAP as new com­pe­tence partner With the SWISS SUPPLY asso­cia­ti­on, the most important logistics, sup­ply and trans­port orga­ni­sa­ti­ons in Switz­er­land want to pro­mo­te the image of logistics, sup­ply chain and trans­port and carry out public edu­ca­ti­on work....