Gotthard Base Tunnel (#5): Too early to assign blame and liability

Gotthard Base Tunnel (#5): Too early to assign blame and liability

Accor­ding to the main edi­ti­on of the SRF Tages­schau news pro­gram­me from 27 August 2023, the Fede­ral Office of Trans­port (BAV) views SBB Cargo as sole­ly lia­ble for the con­se­quen­ces of the freight train acci­dent in the Gott­hard Base Tun­nel. The...
Gotthard Base Tunnel (#4): Safety-critical components of freight wagons

Gotthard Base Tunnel (#4): Safety-critical components of freight wagons

The publicly published infor­ma­ti­on on the freight train derailm­ent in the Gott­hard Base Tun­nel indi­ca­tes a bro­ken wheel on the derai­led train. Over­loa­ding or mate­ri­al defects are under con­side­ra­ti­on as pos­si­ble cau­ses of the fail­ure. What...
Gotthard Base Tunnel (#3): Current liability provisions are sufficient

Gotthard Base Tunnel (#3): Current liability provisions are sufficient

The freight train acci­dent in the Gott­hard Base Tun­nel has brought up lia­bi­li­ty ques­ti­ons that were alre­a­dy on the agen­da of the Fede­ral Coun­cil. In its ses­si­on on 21 June 2023, the Fede­ral Coun­cil issued a report on pos­si­ble actions to inten­si­fy...
Gotthard Base Tunnel (#2): Automatic wayside train monitoring systems

Gotthard Base Tunnel (#2): Automatic wayside train monitoring systems

On 10 August 2023, a freight train derai­led in the Gott­hard Base Tun­nel. A few minu­tes befo­re ente­ring the tun­nel through the south por­tal, the train was inspec­ted by auto­ma­tic way­si­de train moni­to­ring sys­tems (WTMSs). Accor­ding to the moni­to­ring...