The digitalisation of rail freight transport is picking up speed

The digitalisation of rail freight transport is picking up speed

Poli­ti­ci­ans are adap­ting the frame­work con­di­ti­ons for the migra­ti­on to digi­tal auto­ma­tic cou­pling (DAK) and the tech­no­lo­gy for the future stan­dard is being defi­ned step by step. Switz­er­land is har­mo­ni­s­ing its intro­duc­tion pro­cess with that...
«I consider the asymmetry of benefits and implementation costs to be the biggest sticking point of the DAK»

«I consider the asymmetry of benefits and implementation costs to be the biggest sticking point of the DAK»

The JOSEF MEYER Rail (JMR) Group spe­cia­li­ses in the main­ten­an­ce and repair of freight wagons and has loca­ti­ons in Switz­er­land and abroad. In an inter­view with the VAP, Dr Domi­nik Suter, owner and Chair­man of the Board of Direc­tors, and Ulrich Walt, Group...
Now or never: groundbreaking debate on Swiss rail freight transport

Now or never: groundbreaking debate on Swiss rail freight transport

In the spring, the Coun­cil of Sta­tes’ Com­mit­tee for Trans­port and Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons (KVF‑S) took up the total revi­si­on of the Goods Trans­port Act (GüTG) and trig­ge­red ground-brea­king dis­cus­sions on Swiss dome­stic goods trans­port in Par­lia­ment....
Wagonload transport can become competitive

Wagonload transport can become competitive

Forum Freight Trans­port, 7 May 2024. Nati­on­wi­de wagon­load trans­port has a very high mar­ket share in dome­stic trans­port throug­hout Euro­pe. In export and import trans­port, on the other hand, it is decli­ning despi­te long distances. This is due to mar­ket...
Setting the right track for inland freight transport by rail

Setting the right track for inland freight transport by rail

The Fede­ral Coun­cil released its mes­sa­ge on the Goods Trans­port Act to the Par­lia­ment in Janu­ary. It aims to moder­ni­ze the com­pre­hen­si­ve sin­gle-wagon load trans­port (EWLV) and estab­lish the foun­da­ti­on for its eco­no­mic via­bi­li­ty. Despi­te...