«An excellent neutral negotiation partner»

«An excellent neutral negotiation partner»

The Vetro­pack Group is a lis­ted and fami­ly-run glass pack­a­ging manu­fac­tu­rer in Switz­er­land. We at the VAP accom­pa­nied Vetro­pack during the nego­tia­ti­ons on the new siding con­tract and the rene­wal of the sidings. We talk about this coope­ra­ti­on and the future of rail freight trans­port with Phil­ip­pe Clerc, Head of the Vetro­pack site in St-Prex.

The Vetro­pack Group is a lis­ted and fami­ly-run glass pack­a­ging manu­fac­tu­rer in Switz­er­land. We at the VAP accom­pa­nied Vetro­pack during the nego­tia­ti­ons on the new siding con­tract and the rene­wal of the sidings. We talk about this coope­ra­ti­on and the future of rail freight trans­port with Phil­ip­pe Clerc, Head of the Vetro­pack site in St-Prex.
