Power shortage (part 2): Prepare now for later

Power shortage (part 2): Prepare now for later

Should an electricity shortage actually occur in Switzerland due to the geopolitical crisis and supply bottlenecks, it is essential that freight transport customers can continue to be served. This means that the transport companies must clarify their energy needs in...
Electricity shortage: take precautions and develop scenarios

Electricity shortage: take precautions and develop scenarios

Energy transition, geopolitical crises, supply shortages – these and other factors could lead to an electricity shortage. The large consumers are called upon to develop scenarios for a quota system. We at the VAP are actively working on this. Electricity is...
Future of rail freight transport in the area

Future of rail freight transport in the area

Sha­ping rail freight trans­port for the future The Fede­ral Council’s report  Bericht «Future ori­en­ta­ti­on of rail freight trans­port in the area»[1] of March 2022 pro­vi­des a wel­co­me oppor­tu­ni­ty to rethink the Swiss rail freight trans­port sys­tem...