KVF‑N strengthens rail freight transport with more competition and transparency

KVF‑N strengthens rail freight transport with more competition and transparency

The Natio­nal Council’s Preli­mi­na­ry Con­sul­ta­ti­on Com­mit­tee (KVF‑N) is pro­po­sing that the Coun­cil appro­ve the cre­dits for the intro­duc­tion of digi­tal auto­ma­tic cou­pling (DAK) and the tem­po­ra­ry com­pen­sa­ti­on for sin­gle wagon­load trans­port...
«I consider the asymmetry of benefits and implementation costs to be the biggest sticking point of the DAK»

«I consider the asymmetry of benefits and implementation costs to be the biggest sticking point of the DAK»

The JOSEF MEYER Rail (JMR) Group spe­cia­li­ses in the main­ten­an­ce and repair of freight wagons and has loca­ti­ons in Switz­er­land and abroad. In an inter­view with the VAP, Dr Domi­nik Suter, owner and Chair­man of the Board of Direc­tors, and Ulrich Walt, Group...
«Modal shift requires determination from the top management team»

«Modal shift requires determination from the top management team»

The Coop Group has com­mit­ted its­elf to redu­cing CO2 emis­si­ons. Shif­ting trans­port to rail is a cen­tral com­po­nent of this stra­tegy. In an inter­view with VAP, Dani­el Hin­ter­mann, Head of Logi­stics at the Coop Group, explains how the retail and...
The future belongs to combined transport

The future belongs to combined transport

What future do freight rail­ways have in Switz­er­land? The VAP dis­cus­ses these and other ques­ti­ons in a dou­ble inter­view with Peter Knaus, Head of Grau­bün­den Freight Rail­way at the Rhae­ti­an Rail­way (RhB), and Peter Lug­in­bühl, Head of Ope­ra­ti­ons at...