Ensure Switzerland-EU interoperability

Ensure Switzerland-EU interoperability

On 24 June 2022, the Joint Com­mit­tee on Land Trans­port ack­now­led­ged the importance of har­mo­nis­ed rules for Switz­er­land-EU land trans­port. We think: More is nee­ded for sus­tainable inter­ope­ra­bi­li­ty. What is nee­ded now is a coor­di­na­ted trans­port...
4th EU railway package: Making the most of the innovation boost

4th EU railway package: Making the most of the innovation boost

Climate protection is at the top of the political agenda in Europe. A high demand for mobility of people and transport of goods has been leading to massive climate-damaging emissions in our intensively industrialised region for a long time. On the way to net zero,...
4th EU railway package: Rail free for innovation

4th EU railway package: Rail free for innovation

Bar­ri­er-free across borders With the tech­ni­cal pil­lar of the 4th rail­way packa­ge, the Euro­pean Union (EU) is stri­ving for rapid and sus­tainable har­mo­ni­sa­ti­on in inter­na­tio­nal stan­dard-gauge traf­fic so that cross-bor­der rail traf­fic can run...