
Swiss Wagonload Transport Interest Group – for a start

Swiss Wagonload Transport Interest Group – for a start

In 2018, the VAP, tog­e­ther with SBB Cargo and the Asso­cia­ti­on of Public Trans­port (VöV/UTP), foun­ded the Swiss Wagon­load Trans­port Inte­rest Group – IG WLV Schweiz for short. This blog post kicks off a series of posts that pro­vi­de ans­wers to such and...
Transport policy decisions of the summer session 2023

Transport policy decisions of the summer session 2023

In the sum­mer ses­si­on from 30 May to 16 June 2023, various sec­tor-rele­vant busi­ness was dis­cus­sed. The results are lar­ge­ly in line with our expec­ta­ti­ons. Howe­ver, we reg­ret the missed oppor­tu­ni­ty to link the pro­po­sal for the agglo­me­ra­ti­on...
Gotthard Base Tunnel (#4): Safety-critical components of freight wagons

Gotthard Base Tunnel (#4): Safety-critical components of freight wagons

The publicly published infor­ma­ti­on on the freight train derailm­ent in the Gott­hard Base Tun­nel indi­ca­tes a bro­ken wheel on the derai­led train. Over­loa­ding or mate­ri­al defects are under con­side­ra­ti­on as pos­si­ble cau­ses of the fail­ure. What...
Now or never: groundbreaking debate on Swiss rail freight transport

Now or never: groundbreaking debate on Swiss rail freight transport

In the spring, the Coun­cil of Sta­tes’ Com­mit­tee for Trans­port and Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons (KVF‑S) took up the total revi­si­on of the Goods Trans­port Act (GüTG) and trig­ge­red ground-brea­king dis­cus­sions on Swiss dome­stic goods trans­port in Par­lia­ment....
Transport policy decisions of the summer session 2023

Notable facts from the autumn session 2021

Dis­patch 20.081 on the Fede­ral Law on the Under­ground Trans­por­ta­ti­on of Goods With the adop­ti­on of the fede­ral bill, the legal basis for the Cargo Sous Ter­rain (CST) logi­stics pro­ject has been crea­ted. A final dif­fe­rence over expro­pria­ti­on must...
Rail freight transport in the territory: the industry develops a joint solution

Rail freight transport in the territory: the industry develops a joint solution

The freight rail­ways of the umbrel­la orga­ni­sa­ti­on of public trans­port (VöV) and we at the VAP are hol­ding inten­si­ve talks on the upco­ming reor­ga­ni­sa­ti­on and moder­ni­sa­ti­on of rail freight trans­port in the ter­ri­to­ry and its sus­tainable...
Setting the right track for inland freight transport by rail

Setting the right track for inland freight transport by rail

The Fede­ral Coun­cil released its mes­sa­ge on the Goods Trans­port Act to the Par­lia­ment in Janu­ary. It aims to moder­ni­ze the com­pre­hen­si­ve sin­gle-wagon load trans­port (EWLV) and estab­lish the foun­da­ti­on for its eco­no­mic via­bi­li­ty. Despi­te...
Investing in the future with the DAC

Investing in the future with the DAC

The digital automatic coupler (DAC) is much more than what its name suggests. It is the basis for the complete digitalisation and automation of rail freight transport in Switzerland – and thus a far-sighted investment in the future.  Rail freight 4.0  We at VAP are...
VAP signs letter of intent on automation

VAP signs letter of intent on automation

Tog­e­ther with the Fede­ral Office of Trans­port (FOT) and the Asso­cia­ti­on of Public Trans­port (VÖV), the VAP Asso­cia­ti­on of the Loa­ding Indus­try has signed a decla­ra­ti­on of intent to auto­ma­te Swiss rail freight trans­port. The long-term major pro­ject...