What it’s all about:

  • UIP Kee­pers’ Sum­mit in Nice
  • Cus­to­mer focus and trans­for­ma­ti­on for rail freight in Europe
  • David Zindo new Pre­si­dent of the UIP


The Inter­na­tio­nal Union of Wagon Kee­pers (UIP) in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with its French mem­ber asso­cia­ti­on AFWP wel­co­med 120 freight rail stake­hol­ders from across Euro­pe to its annu­al flag­ship con­fe­rence, the Kee­pers’ Sum­mit, in Nice, France on 15 June 2023. Dis­cus­sions focu­sed on how envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly fea­tures of rail freight can be used to address cli­ma­te chan­ge while appe­al­ing to cus­to­mers and attrac­ting young talent. The panelists and the audi­ence agreed: rail freight has an important role to play in the future of our socie­ty. Howe­ver, this can only be achie­ved if rail freight ope­ra­ti­ons trans­form away from state mono­po­lies towards pri­va­te sec­tor competition.

In search of chan­ge, for­mer UIP Pre­si­dent Dr Heiko Fischer chal­len­ged the audi­ence to look to the past to bet­ter prepa­re for the future. As the dri­ving force behind the crea­ti­on of the Gene­ral Con­tract of Use (GCU), Mr Fischer poin­ted to the important role of pri­va­te wagon kee­pers in deve­lo­ping rail freight solu­ti­ons. As a con­vin­ced and visio­na­ry man, he always pla­ced great empha­sis on the need to inno­va­te and trans­form rail freight to meet the future chal­lenges and expec­ta­ti­ons of cus­to­mers and socie­ty. The audi­ence ack­now­led­ged with stan­ding applau­se the com­mit­ment and achie­ve­ments of Dr Fischer, who had gui­ded the desti­ny of UIP as Pre­si­dent for 11 years.

Mr Joris D’In­ca, Glo­bal Head of Logi­stics at the inter­na­tio­nal manage­ment con­sul­ting firm Oli­ver Wyman, con­firm­ed in his key­note speech the need for rail freight to adapt to evol­ving cus­to­mer requi­re­ments: «Cus­to­mers expect com­ple­te trans­pa­ren­cy along the trans­port chain. They place the grea­test value on the avai­la­bi­li­ty of real-time infor­ma­ti­on and effec­ti­ve cor­ri­dor manage­ment, among other things. Only by adap­ting to these and other requi­re­ments will rail freight be able to gain mar­ket share from road freight and play a grea­ter role in com­ba­ting cli­ma­te chan­ge.» Pre­sen­ta­ti­on Joris D’Incà

The expert panel, mode­ra­ted by Ms Emi­lie Sou­lez and com­po­sed of Mr Charles Puech d’A­lis­s­ac (VIIA/Naviland), Mr Paul Maza­t­aud (SNCF Réseau) and Mr Sté­pha­ne Gavard (Streem), dove deep into the ele­ments at the heart of the trans­for­ma­ti­on nee­ded to meet the new expec­ta­ti­ons. Mr Maza­t­aud con­firm­ed SNCF Réseau’s needs and inten­ti­ons to offer more trans­pa­ren­cy in main­ten­an­ce ope­ra­ti­ons, but also RNE’s plans to increase fle­xi­bi­li­ty by adap­ting the time­tab­ling pro­cess. Mr Puech D’A­lis­s­ac high­ligh­ted the ele­ments and bene­fits of com­bi­ned trans­port and the busi­ness model behind the acti­vi­ties of Navi­l­and and VIIA. He poin­ted out the pro­gress made in digi­ti­sing the inter­face with cus­to­mers and encou­ra­ged all stake­hol­ders to redou­ble their efforts in digi­ti­sing the inter­faces bet­ween rail freight actors. Mr Gavard pro­vi­ded insights into wagon inno­va­ti­on both in terms of con­cept and indus­tri­al manu­fac­tu­ring, but also explai­ned Streem’s pro­ject to deve­lop skills and know­ledge in the industry.

Final­ly, Mr David Zindo, CEO of Streem Group and newly elec­ted UIP Pre­si­dent, con­cluded with a pro­mi­se: to sup­port the trans­for­ma­ti­on with clear prio­ri­ties while allo­wing freight wagon kee­pers and asso­cia­ti­ons to bene­fit from the suc­cess of the past in order to increase the attrac­ti­ve­ness and com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness of rail freight. He stres­sed the importance of the work of UIP and the natio­nal fede­ra­ti­ons, which act as con­so­li­da­ted voices and link to local and Euro­pean poli­ti­cal institutions.

«Our socie­ties need to under­stand the uni­que sel­ling pro­po­si­ti­on of rail freight as a cru­cial means to decar­bo­ni­se the trans­port sec­tor. We as a sys­tem need to impro­ve our offer to meet the needs of cus­to­mers, but also to attract and train young talent.» – David Zindo

David Zindo beco­mes new UIP Pre­si­dent: A visi­on for the future of rail freight transport

David Zindo will be the new Pre­si­dent of UIP, suc­cee­ding Dr Heiko Fischer, who led UIP as Pre­si­dent for 11 years. Zindo was elec­ted during UIP’s Gene­ral Assem­bly on 15 June 2023 in Nice, France. He is sup­port­ed by Vice Pre­si­dents Per-Anders Ben­thin (CEO of Trans­wag­gon) and Johann Fein­dert (CEO of GATX Rail Europe).

Mr Zindo brings exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence to the posi­ti­on, being CEO of Streem Group (form­er­ly Erme­wa Group) and a mem­ber of the UIP Exe­cu­ti­ve Board since 2015. He pre­vious­ly held seni­or finan­ce posi­ti­ons at SNCF, Geo­dis and Veo­lia Envi­ron­men­tal Services.

As the new UIP Pre­si­dent, David Zindo’s visi­on is to fur­ther streng­then UIP by set­ting clear prio­ri­ties, streng­thening the team and buil­ding alli­ances with other asso­cia­ti­ons. He wants to streng­then the role of freight wagon kee­pers in the sup­p­ly chain and explain the com­plex EU regu­la­to­ry land­scape. With his long expe­ri­ence and com­mit­ment to rail freight, Mr Zindo aims to trans­form the sec­tor to meet future chal­lenges and the expec­ta­ti­ons of cus­to­mers and society.

Read more about the newly elec­ted President’s visi­on in UIP’s inter­view with David Zindo. 
Inter­view David Zindo



    The Inter­na­tio­nal Union of Wagon Kee­pers (UIP) was foun­ded in 1950 and has its head­quar­ters in Brussels. It is the umbrel­la orga­ni­sa­ti­on of natio­nal asso­cia­ti­ons from 14 Euro­pean count­ries, repre­sen­ting more than 250 wagon kee­pers and Enti­ties in Char­ge of Main­ten­an­ce (ECMs). The four­teen mem­ber count­ries are: Aus­tria, Bel­gi­um, Czech Repu­blic, France, Ger­ma­ny, Hun­ga­ry, Italy, the Net­her­lands, Pol­and, Spain, Slo­va­kia, Swe­den, Switz­er­land and the United King­dom. As the voice for more than 234,000 freight wagons, UIP repres­ents half of the total Euro­pean freight wagon fleet and is one of the most important resour­ces for the freight rail sec­tor in Euro­pe. Rese­arch, lob­by­ing and con­stant exch­an­ge with all stake­hol­ders and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons inte­res­ted in the rail freight sec­tor play an important role for the asso­cia­ti­on to direct all efforts towards incre­asing effi­ci­en­cy in the rail freight ser­vice. Through par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in many working groups and com­mit­tees at Euro­pean and inter­na­tio­nal level, UIP brings the per­spec­ti­ve and inte­rests of freight wagon kee­pers and works in coope­ra­ti­on with all inte­res­ted par­ties to secu­re the long-term future of rail freight. UIP is reco­g­nis­ed by the Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on as a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve body in the rail sector.

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