«Modal shift requires determination from the top management team»

«Modal shift requires determination from the top management team»

The Coop Group has com­mit­ted its­elf to redu­cing CO2 emis­si­ons. Shif­ting trans­port to rail is a cen­tral com­po­nent of this stra­tegy. In an inter­view with VAP, Dani­el Hin­ter­mann, Head of Logi­stics at the Coop Group, explains how the retail and...
The future belongs to combined transport

The future belongs to combined transport

What future do freight rail­ways have in Switz­er­land? The VAP dis­cus­ses these and other ques­ti­ons in a dou­ble inter­view with Peter Knaus, Head of Grau­bün­den Freight Rail­way at the Rhae­ti­an Rail­way (RhB), and Peter Lug­in­bühl, Head of Ope­ra­ti­ons at...
TR Trans Rail AG – a multimodal success story

TR Trans Rail AG – a multimodal success story

We at the VAP are com­mit­ted to com­pe­ti­ti­ve rail freight trans­port. In the mean­ti­me, seve­ral pri­va­te RUs and VAP mem­bers ope­ra­te important trans­ports. We are happy to intro­du­ce them and their core com­pe­ten­ces. Let’s start with TR Trans...