25 years of the «Contract of Lugano» – a look into the future

25 years of the «Contract of Lugano» – a look into the future

Exact­ly 25 years after the sig­ning of the “Trea­ty of Luga­no”, the Ger­man rail­way sta­ti­on in the Swiss bor­der metro­po­lis of Basel took stock. For the VAP, in addi­ti­on to the expan­si­on of the line on the right bank of the Rhine, that of the line on the...
Focus on automation of wagonload traffic

Focus on automation of wagonload traffic

In the Year of Rail 2021, moder­ni­sa­ti­on through auto­ma­ti­on of wagon­load traf­fic is at the top of our agen­da. Our coope­ra­ti­on with the Fede­ral Office of Trans­port (FOT) and the Asso­cia­ti­on of Public Trans­port (VVO) for a joint approach to...
Combined transport and multimodality (Part 2)

Combined transport and multimodality (Part 2)

In addi­ti­on to the federal government, the can­tons and large Swiss cities are also incre­a­singly defi­ning holistic freight trans­port con­cepts for their effi­ci­ent, safe and envi­ron­ment­al­ly friend­ly sup­ply and dis­po­sal of goods. The freight trans­port...
Combined transport and multimodality (Part 1)

Combined transport and multimodality (Part 1)

The trans­port com­pa­nies on road and rail as well as the ship­ping indus­try take their eco­no­mic, eco­lo­gi­cal and social respon­si­bi­li­ty serious­ly and rely on cross-modal solu­ti­ons. They com­bi­ne the Rhine, road, rail, inland water­ways, pipe­lines and...