Modal shift: In transit on the right track

Modal shift: In transit on the right track

The Fede­ral Council’s “Modal shift report July 2019 – June 2021” pres­ents the deve­lo­p­ment of tran­sal­pi­ne freight traf­fic and envi­ron­men­tal pol­lu­ti­on on the tran­sal­pi­ne tran­sit axes. It then exami­nes the sta­tus of imple­men­ta­ti­on of the modal...
Important transport of dangerous goods on the Simplon

Important transport of dangerous goods on the Simplon

Accor­ding to the modal shift report of Novem­ber 2021, the Fede­ral Coun­cil is con­side­ring a con­sul­ta­ti­on on a ban on the trans­port of dan­ge­rous goods at the Sim­plon. In doing so, it is revi­sing its assess­ment sub­mit­ted to par­lia­ment in 2015,...
Industry and media event DAC4EU Demonstrator Train

Industry and media event DAC4EU Demonstrator Train

On 25 March 2022, the FOT, the SBB, the VAP and the VöV provided information about the test phase and the far-reaching advantages resulting from the Digital Automatic Coupling (DAK). The message was that the DAK lays the foundations for digitisation and thus for a...
Transport sectoral plan: programme with limited perspective

Transport sectoral plan: programme with limited perspective

The back­ground in advance Various fac­tors have an impact on the Sec­to­ral Plan for Transport/Programme sec­tion and thus on the future of rail freight trans­port (cf. Figu­re 1). The Swiss Spa­ti­al Deve­lo­p­ment Per­spec­ti­ve, the Trans­port Per­spec­ti­ves and...
TR Trans Rail AG – a multimodal success story

TR Trans Rail AG – a multimodal success story

We at the VAP are com­mit­ted to com­pe­ti­ti­ve rail freight trans­port. In the mean­ti­me, seve­ral pri­va­te RUs and VAP mem­bers ope­ra­te important trans­ports. We are happy to intro­du­ce them and their core com­pe­ten­ces. Let’s start with TR Trans...