Gotthard Base Tunnel (#2): Automatic wayside train monitoring systems

Gotthard Base Tunnel (#2): Automatic wayside train monitoring systems

On 10 August 2023, a freight train derai­led in the Gott­hard Base Tun­nel. A few minu­tes befo­re ente­ring the tun­nel through the south por­tal, the train was inspec­ted by auto­ma­tic way­si­de train moni­to­ring sys­tems (WTMSs). Accor­ding to the moni­to­ring...
Gotthard Base Tunnel (#1): Committed to a comprehensive investigation

Gotthard Base Tunnel (#1): Committed to a comprehensive investigation

On 10 August 2023, a freight train derai­led in the Gott­hard Base Tun­nel. The Swiss Trans­por­ta­ti­on Safe­ty Inves­ti­ga­ti­on Board (Sust) belie­ves the likely cause was the fail­ure of a wheel. We at VAP will inves­ti­ga­te the event sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly from a...
Data ecosystems: Sharing data to double its added value

Data ecosystems: Sharing data to double its added value

We at the VAP have been working more inten­si­ve­ly on the topic of data eco­sys­tems for some time. In 2022, we initia­ted the deve­lo­p­ment of a data plat­form at the Coor­di­na­ti­on Unit for Sus­tainable Mobi­li­ty (KOMO) and are pushing ahead with the fur­ther...
Keepers’ Summit 2023: Adapting to customer requirements and a visionary future for rail freight transport

Keepers’ Summit 2023: Adapting to customer requirements and a visionary future for rail freight transport

What it’s all about: UIP Kee­pers’ Sum­mit in Nice Cus­to­mer focus and trans­for­ma­ti­on for rail freight in Europe David Zindo new Pre­si­dent of the UIP   The Inter­na­tio­nal Union of Wagon Kee­pers (UIP) in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with its French...