
Since 1912 we’ve devoted ourselves to the rail freight system.

We know what we’re tal­king about – and we know what we’re doing. A lot has chan­ged since our foun­da­ti­on. But our goals have remain­ed the same: we’re still com­mit­ted to free-mar­ket mecha­nisms and a powerful Swiss rail freight system.

We are an asso­cia­ti­on repre­sen­ting the inte­rests of around 300 com­pa­nies from the enti­re value chain of the ship­ping indus­try and logi­stics. They trans­port goods by any com­bi­na­ti­on of rail, road, ship and air.

Every year their work ent­ails con­sidera­ble invest­ment in rail spurs, ter­mi­nals, trans­ship­ment faci­li­ties, trucks, freight cars, and trac­tion units. Our association’s work and trans­port poli­cy help crea­te the opti­mum eco­no­mic envi­ron­ment for this invest­ment and keep the admi­nis­tra­ti­ve work and expen­se to a mini­mum. We see our­sel­ves as working for dia­log and equa­li­ty rather than against the state rail­ways of Europe.


As a VAP mem­ber you bene­fit from valuable advan­ta­ges in the world of freight trans­port. You can pro­fit from our pan-Euro­pean net­work, get access to in-depth infor­ma­ti­on and we also arran­ge the best advice for various spe­cia­list topics.



We have in-depth and com­pre­hen­si­ve know-how in freight trans­port, thanks to many years of expe­ri­ence and a broad net­work. We advi­se and sup­port you in the fol­lo­wing areas:

  • Legal mat­ters
  • Rea­li­sa­ti­on of con­s­truc­tion pro­jects (cli­ent repre­sen­ta­ti­on and qua­li­ty assurance)
  • Long-term main­ten­an­ce and finan­cial planning
  • Audi­ting of your faci­li­ties by the BAV
  • Imple­men­ta­ti­on of sub­s­idy procedures
  • Pre­pa­ra­ti­on of ope­ra­ting regulations
  • Imple­men­ta­ti­on of tech­ni­cal innovations
  • Opti­mi­sa­ti­on of effi­ci­en­cy in pro­duc­tion processes
  • Stra­te­gic advice


Would you like sup­port? Then get in touch with us.


We pro­vi­de you with auxi­lia­ry means for direct download.

  • Sam­ple ope­ra­ting regulations
  • Over­view of the rele­vant laws
  • Online data­ba­se with the BAV for the manage­ment of your sidings



With the latest infor­ma­ti­on on the state of trans­port poli­cy, tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions and natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal indus­try news, we keep you up to date and fit for mar­ket competition.

  • Trade events
  • Trade blog
  • Media releases
  • Posi­ti­on papers
  • VAP News­let­ter (elec­tro­nic)
  • Net­work: Estab­li­shing the right cont­acts natio­nal­ly and internationally
  • Rail­pe­dia (com­ming soon)


We repre­sent your interests


«The VAP is an extre­me­ly useful plat­form for the ship­ping indus­try. The chal­lenges of the extre­me­ly com­plex rail freight sys­tem can only be mas­te­red as a whole unit, bund­led in an association.»

André Pel­let

Mana­ging Direc­tor, TR Trans Rail AG

«The VAP has drawn up the joint use con­tracts for the city of Schaff­hau­sen and a com­plex cost-sha­ring arran­ge­ment for the sett­le­ment of accounts for all sub­se­quent con­nec­tion pro­vi­ders. The con­tracts and the cost sha­ring were suc­cessful­ly con­cluded. We were gra­teful to have a pro­fes­sio­nal with enorm­ous exper­ti­se at our side for this project.»

Mari­us Andrioaei

Pro­ject Mana­ger Infra­struc­tu­re Con­s­truc­tion, Tief­bau Schaffhausen

«VAP con­duc­ted the nego­tia­ti­ons for the new con­nec­tion con­tract and the reno­va­ti­on of the con­nec­tion tracks for Vetro­pack. In order to do this, it car­ri­ed out an ope­ra­tio­nal ana­ly­sis before­hand to prove that Vetro­pack had been allo­ca­ted too many tracks. The con­nec­tion con­tract and the rene­wal could the­r­e­fo­re be car­ri­ed out with con­sidera­ble savings. VAP’s exper­ti­se and nego­tia­ting skills led to a very inte­res­t­ing solu­ti­on for us. I recom­mend VAP for such ser­vices to all members.»

Phil­ip­pe Clerc

Site Mana­ger, Vetro­pack St-Prex

Become a member

By beco­ming a mem­ber, you sup­port the future of the rail freight sys­tem and thus a safe way to sup­p­ly the enti­re popu­la­ti­on. In the long term, the traf­fic axes are reli­e­ved and the cli­ma­te is pro­tec­ted. As a play­er in freight trans­port, you also bene­fit in the short term from our ser­vices, with which we can pro­vi­de you with tar­ge­ted sup­port thanks to our com­pre­hen­si­ve know-how.

Mem­ber­ship is open to all per­sons, com­pa­nies and cor­po­ra­ti­ons who own and/or use rail­way sidings, ter­mi­nals and/or pri­va­te freight wagons, tran­ship­ment con­tai­ners and trac­tion units. All per­sons, com­pa­nies and cor­po­ra­ti­ons who wish to sup­port the pur­po­se and acti­vi­ties of the Asso­cia­ti­on and who can­not beco­me full mem­bers may beco­me fri­end­ly mem­bers. Fri­end­ly mem­bers have no voting rights.

Are you inte­res­ted in beco­ming a mem­ber of the VAP?
We kind­ly ask you to send the com­ple­ted and signed mem­ber­ship appli­ca­ti­on by post to:

Spi­tal­gas­se 5
CH – 8001 Zürich