General assembly

Tues­day, 27 August 2024 in Bern


10:15 h

Statutory part
  1. Wel­co­me and assess­ment of the cur­rent trans­port policy
  2. Elec­tion of the scrutineers
  3. Pro­to­col of the Gene­ral Assem­bly of 19 august 2022
  4. Annu­al report and accounts 2022/2023
  5. Elec­tion of the Exe­cu­ti­ve Committee
  6. Elec­tion of the President
  7. Elec­tion of the auditors
  8. Foun­da­ti­on of Car­g­orail Con­sul­ting AG, amend­ment of artic­les of association
  9. Mis­cel­la­neous

11:15 h


11:30 h

Presentation by Federal Councillor Dr Albert Rösti, Head of DETEC
«How the federal government is committed to sustainable freight transport»

12:15 h

Ape­ri­tif and lunch

14:00 h

Clo­sure of the Gene­ral Assembly

Archive General Assembly VAP

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